The video applies to immigrants to many other countries too. Some of the 
ingredients to success (although this is not a guarantee to success) and in no 
particular order:
1. Learn the local customs, meet the locals and get involved in the larger 
community which opens up opportunities.
2. Work hard. Develop marketable skills and constantly update one's skills.
3. Have a life plan, a financials plan, a health plan. Then have a back-up plan 
for each.
4. Take some risks.
5. Dream big but set realistic expectations, it is possible to balance the two.
6. Keep social media/computer stuff/TV to a minimum as it contracts the mind. 
Instead do outdoor stuff which broadens the mind (this applies everywhere, not 
just to immigrants).

Smile - life is short and unpredictable.
From: Frederick Noronha <>

Why Immigrants choose to give up their life in Canada and leave? Why do they 
not enjoy their Canadian life? Why do they spend thousands of dollars and years 
to immigrate and than leave Canada? Why do they give up on Canadian Dream?

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