Dear Soter,

You have put forward a persuasive argument on the persistence of lynchings.
You rightly pointed out that the BJP top babus play down the lynchings, which suggests they are not really moved by Muslim injuries or deaths. Way back in 2002, when Modi was CM, over 2000 Muslims were killed and 150,000 displaced. Modi no doubt was involved but he escaped direct blame & conviction.

All this points to a visceral Hindu hatred of Muslims and it has historical roots. Modi himself revealed these roots in his first speech at the Lok Sabha in 2014. He spoke with passion of the "1200 years of slavery" to which Hindus were subjected to the invaders. [The figure 1200 he picked from Gaolwalkar's 'Bunch of Thoughts' (1968)]. The more accurate figure is 1000 years - 800 of Muslim influence and 200 of British. The Hindus of the BJP type have been smarting over their abject failure to eject the invaders. They are itching for vengeance today - manifested by their systematic discrimination and lynchings against Muslims. [But the Hindus have no grudge against the British who set up the Indian State, all the infrastructure and educated their first PM.]


-----Original Message----- From: Soter Ji
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2018 5:15 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The lynch sport of desi Neros

by Soter D'souza
The unprecedented rise in lynchings in some States has evoked widespread
reactions from a cross-section of Indian society. The Supreme Court has
come down heavily on the government by pointing out that “Mobocracy can’t
be allowed in a democracy” and even issued directions for enacting an
anti-lynching law. But predictably the debate on these lynchings will be
stuck in the usual denial, blame and farcical opinions from politicians and
intellectuals who beat around the bush. The saffron brigade is desperate to
play down the issue by claiming that lynchings are like any other law and
order problem. For the last seventy years since independence it has been
the default stance of the hate ‘parivar’ to rubbish any communal motive
attributed to various riots.

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