Sandeep Heble considers Rane's remarks distasteful
So what if some Goans or Indians take up to cleaning toilets in London?
Better to have some source of income than none. There are thousands of Indians selling sweets and papers in their 'corner shops' in Britain. These are often no more than cramped little cubicles and there may be no more than a couple of customers per hour.

And as for India, why is half the population still defecating in the open while Modi has asked the Japanese to build his bullet train? Read more

Or consider the plight of thousands of low caste manual workers who have to extract and transport human waste day after day.
Sandeep refers to Rane's 'feudal' mindset. Is Modi's any better?


-----Original Message----- From: Sandeep Heble
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 4:47 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Senior Rane needs to read Gandhi

Senior Rane’s statement against Goan NRIs is distasteful. Goans have given
a lot to him, elected him as longest serving MLA, as Chief Minister of Goa
for most number of years, given him love, respect and so much more. Is this
the way of reciprocating them back?

If Rane sits backs and reflects, he will realize what he said is terribly
wrong. He should take his time off, have a sip of tea or coffee and read
autobiographies on our great leaders like the “Mahatma” whose life has been
a message in so many ways. At a time when untouchability was at its peak
and certain works were meant to be done only by certain people, there came
Gandhi who believed otherwise and led by example. In the Ashrams which he
founded, he demonstrated that no work was superior or inferior to the
other. For Gandhi and the rest of the Ashram dwellers, cleaning of toilets
and surroundings became a regular voluntary job which they considered
sacred. Performing such tasks was done not only with a sense of duty but it
gave them immense pleasure as well. To the rest of the Country, it gave
important lessons on equality, hygiene and sanitation.
Rane’s feudal mindset is horribly wrong and he has rightly faced the wrath
of the people. The least he can do now is to show some grace and apologise.
warm regards
Sandeep Heble

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