One Humble Request... Goans living abroad please support Goans in Goa... and 
let Goa be the same as it was in the 1980's.. upto 1990's .. For the Gulfies 
who dont have second passports ...Request Goa Govt. to employ us in Govt. 
Sectors...and make Goa a better place for Goans... Request all Goan Leaders 
worldwide come together as one have a meeting to help the Goans in 
Goa... God Bless You All..
    On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, 12:50:19 AM GMT+4, <> wrote:  
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Today's Topics:

  1. enter imran Khan (Nelson Lopes)
  2. What?s Goan? (Roland Francis)
  3. Re: enter Imran Khan (Eddie)
  4. MACAU: surging ahead (Eddie)
  5. Can non-resident Indians please shut up? (Tensing Rodrigues)
  6. TARIQ ALI on VS NAIPAUL (Eddie)
  7. Kingfisher, beer, Mallya (Frederick Noronha)
  8. Sashtikar cursing Rane in Konkani... (Frederick Noronha)
  9. Re: Can non-resident Indians please shut up? (Venantius J Pinto)
  10. Re: enter Imran Khan (Eddie)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 10:53:00 -0400
From: Nelson Lopes <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
    <>, GOA THOMSON <>,  "Dr.
    Armando Da Silva" <>
Subject: [Goanet] enter imran Khan
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


New P.M of Pakistan has been sworn in . Whether it bodes well for India
time alone will tell, notwithstanding the invitation to  India. May be
cricket diplomacy like pink pong earlier may be attempted. His role as a
captain, bowler, batsman may provide the spark if resumed, Cricket is like
a emotional, passionate war of sorts between the neighbours ,substitute for
physical engagement  In the past too attempts have been made by all sides
for rapprochement without much  success

The people of Pakistan invest in democracy with a hope, expectations and
aspiration for change of order for better. The civilian Govts have suffered
the same disease of maneuvering by military establishment from behind. Ms
Bhuto blowing hot and cold was eliminated by design not by accident as it
appears to be. Musharaf too made news wearing a mask of peace and waging
the infamous Kargil war .The actions of Sharif alienated the establishment,
who tried to put a spork in is wheel of developing cordial relations The
war cries and bugles is favourite diet of military to keep in them in the
reckoning .No one dares to rub them on the wrong sides. Musharaf is in
exile with all his patriotic flavor having the taste of his own medicine he
administered to his predecessor Since the military establishment cannot
dislodge the democratic Govt by a coup, they embroil their unamenable
leaders in the cauldron of soup of economic offences Military coup will
lead to crippling economic sanctions that will not be to the advantage of
military bosses and that is why they thread a beaten path. Already winds of
allegations of corruption are blowing against the new incumbent, meant to
send a subtle warning. The civilian Govt is always check mated for trying
to pursue a liberal approach towards India and must receive tacit approval
of military establishment, hence the democratic Govt in Pakistan is
constantly under a strain to please the military. The military is pursuing
a low intensity war of terrorism bleeding India with non-state actors,
jihadi groups and terrorist training camps on its soil  with denial mode
as its strategy

The one solution that could reign in peace is the suggestion that LOC be
converted into International border. Both sides give up their hardened
stand to re occupy the positions held as present. Improvement of trade,
exchange of visitors person to person contact, stopping export of cross
border terrorism with military support and reigning in the jihadi groups
can at least bring about thaw in hostile relations The threat of nuclear
war is a bogey that will have consequences for warring groups with economic
disaster for already a ruined economy of Pakistan, The cold war bitterness
between Russia, China, USA for strategic foothold in the region is no more
the avowed purpose and Pakistan no more holds its cards The Afghanistan
issue is no more the bone of contention to give Pakistan  aid, which has
been misused

Imran Khan as the new P.M carries the weight on his shoulders .He has to
please the military establishment , not alienate the powerful Jihadi groups
nurtured and cultivated by military and fulfill the aspiration of people
who have put him in the saddle to deliver growth, prosperity in a peaceful
environment The people of Pakistan by and large want friendly relations
with India. It s their hope that Imram Khan will meet their aspirations
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 11:59:50 -0400
From: Roland Francis <>
Subject: [Goanet] What?s Goan?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8

Probable answers from well known entities to Bennet Paes? question ?What?s 

Parrikar: One whom you can feed anything.

Parsekar: One from whom you can take anything.

Rane: One who will clean anything.

Sardessai: One who can be easily betrayed.

Churchill: One who will pay anything.

Pacheco: One against whom you can threaten anything.

Monserrate: One to whom you can lend anything (with collateral).

Kamat: One from whose land you can strip anything.

Alemao: One with whom you can trade public works for private money.

Drug Dealer: One to whom you can sell anything (potent of course).

Haryanvi: One from whom you can buy anything (preferably land and home).

Seafood Trader: One whose fish you can lace with anything.

FDA and Coroner: One for whom you can write any report you feel like and change 
anytime you feel like.

Journalists: One who will believe anything.

Bennet Paes wrote:
I used to tell my daughter: ?Always remember, you are a Goan?. I did not say ?a 
Goan first? because I could not invent an order of priorities. Her older son?s 
British school asked him to wear his national dress at a school function. So 
his father bought him an Indian outfit for the occasion. The little fellow 
asked his father: ?Is that Goan?? The father told him: ?Ask your grandfather.? 
I remain nonplussed; can anyone tell what?s 'Goan?



Message: 3
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 17:26:49 +0100
From: "Eddie" <>
To: "GOANET" <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] enter Imran Khan
Message-ID: <58A04FB0E1904138BF781A6D97BD3C8E@EddieHP>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Nelson, are you sure that Imran Khan was sworn in today as PM?
According to the reliable paper DAWN, he will be sworn in as PM on Sat, 18th 
So what has happened today?

DAWN had this to say:
"The day began with a 31-gun salute in the capital, followed by 21-gun 
salutes in all four provincial capitals.
The main ceremony was hosted at Islamabad's Jinnah Convention Centre, where 
President Mamnoon Hussain hoisted the national flag. The ceremony was also 
attended by caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk, the three chiefs of the 
armed forces and other notable personalities and foreign dignitaries.
Flag hoisting ceremonies were held in the provincial capitals as well as 
district headquarters.
Army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, NA speaker Ayaz Sadiq and Senate chairman 
Sadiq Sanjrani attend the independence day ceremony. "


-----Original Message----- 
From: Nelson Lopes
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 3:53 PM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! ; GOA THOMSON ; Dr. Armando Da 
Subject: [Goanet] enter imran Khan


New P.M of Pakistan has been sworn in . Whether it bodes well for India
time alone will tell, notwithstanding the invitation to  India. May be
cricket diplomacy like pink pong earlier may be attempted. His role as a
captain, bowler, batsman may provide the spark if resumed, Cricket is like
a emotional, passionate war of sorts between the neighbours ,substitute for
physical engagement  In the past too attempts have been made by all sides
for rapprochement without much  success


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 17:52:15 +0100
From: "Eddie" <>
To: "GOANET" <>
Subject: [Goanet] MACAU: surging ahead
Message-ID: <40DB0E2F30C346EE9555CCF97680013D@EddieHP>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Not surprised that Macau will end up as Qatar of the East.
It seems that whatever the Chinese touch turn to gold. The Portuguese must 
be hiding their heads in shame.
Here is some more info on Macau:
[pity that Goanet disallows images.]

Casinos in this former Portuguese colony, which returned to China in 1999, 
now earn eight times more than they do in Las Vegas. Casino jobs, which pay 
30-40 percent higher than in other sectors, approach a quarter of the labor 
force. Add in casino-related positions like retailing and hospitality, and 
about half the working population in this city of 600,000 is connected to 
the gaming industry. The result is an enviable unemployment rate of 1.8 

Macau?s  gaming economy is creating a generation of workers steeped in the 
monotonous work of baccarat dealing and spinning roulette wheels, but with 
few of the transferable skills needed in today?s globalized knowledge 
economy. The gamblers are mainly from the mainland, a situation that may 
suit Beijing just fine.

Let's also outline other wonders achieved by China generally:
- has built a second aircraft carrier    [while India keeps begging Russia 
to renovated old carriers
- has built its own passenger jet
- its bullet train seems to the Japanese version which is being bought by 
- has built a hydrogen-powered tram  [pollution free]
- China's supercomputer is the world's fastest
- has built am 50 km bridge to Macau
- is building a gravity waves simulator
- on par with the US in scientific research. India is miles behind [relying 
on godmen perhaps??]
- FOREX exceeds $3 trillion

Read more:



Message: 5
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 22:46:40 +0530
From: Tensing Rodrigues <>
Subject: [Goanet] Can non-resident Indians please shut up?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Can the people of Indian origin not living in India please shut up? They
seem to have an opinion about everything and anything that is happening in
and to Mother India. Sitting in the comfort of their Dollar and Pound and
Euro ensconced cushiness, they have the temerity to tell Indians in India
about what is right and what is wrong.


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 19:04:17 +0100
From: "Eddie" <>
To: "GOANET" <>
Subject: [Goanet] TARIQ ALI on VS NAIPAUL
Message-ID: <EC05F834705A498CA8B3F0ACA2BB9455@EddieHP>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Tariq Ali  is a respected intellectual & writer living in UK.
He studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Exeter College, Oxford and 
elected President of the Oxford Union in 1965. He was an activist in the 
Vietnam War & engaged in debates against the war with the likes of Henry 
Kissinger and Michael Stewart. He has long been associated with the New Left 
Review; his partner Susan Watkins is Editor.

Naipaul and C.L.R. James were educated at the same colonial school. The high 
quality of teaching in classics and English literature left its mark on both 
men. Both of them came to England. James moved to Marxism and became a great 
historian in that tradition. Naipaul cultivated a cultural conservatism that 
later became his hallmark both politically and socially. The classical 
heritage of the European bourgeoisie had completely bewitched him. He saw it 
as the dominant pillar of Western civilisation and this led him to 
underplay, ignore and sometimes to justify its barbaric sides both at home 
and abroad.
He lived his life through a circle of friends that he had carefully 
selected. Most, if not all, were figures on the right.

Whatever his politics, the novels were very good, especially the earlier 
ones. The autobiographical 'A House for Mr Biswas' remains a comic 
masterpiece. And it would have made an excellent TV series. Would he ever 
agree? It wasn?t a secret that Naipaul had long opposed his work being 
transferred to small or big screen. Twenty-odd years ago I rang him up and 
was invited to lunch. His US agent had once forced him to fly out to 
?discuss filming A Bend in the River ? with Francis Coppola.

Against his own instincts, Naipaul arrived on the West Coast. At the 
hacienda, Coppola informed him that the only other guest apart from family 
would be George Lucas. During supper Coppola handed Naipaul a script that he 
had commissioned. He wanted Naipaul to have a quick read of the adaptation 
and see what he thought. He turned down the proposal.

His second wife, Nadira, whom he married in 1996, persuaded him to calm down 
and let Ismail Merchant commission Caryl Phillips to write a script of The 
Mystic Masseur. Naipaul was filled with foreboding that it might turn out to 
be awful. ?It did.? This was not a promising start. He asked why I liked A 
House for Mr Biswas. ?It?s pure,? I replied, ?and very funny.? He agreed we 
should have a go. Farrukh Dhondy, he agreed, knew the book well and Channel 
Four commissioned the scripts. Peter Ansorge was a stern invigilator and 
made sure that most of the dialogue from the novel was retained. Naipaul and 
Nadira and Gillon Aitken (his agent) were pleased with the final product. 
But Channel Four wanted white actors and the project was dropped.




Message: 7
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 23:21:34 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] Kingfisher, beer, Mallya
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Harsh Goenka @hvgoenka on Twitter:

Seeing the several Kingfisher beer bottles in my fridge, my friend asked:
"What is this for?"
I replied: "I'm doing what the banks and the Government could not do...
freezing the properties of Vijay Mallya.
After freezing, I will also liquidate these assets."


_/  FN * ????????? ???????? * ??????? ???????? +91-9822122436


Message: 8
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 23:37:40 +0530
From: Frederick Noronha <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] Sashtikar cursing Rane in Konkani...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" a London train gets 23k views, 854 likes (and 39 dislikes):


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 14:12:57 -0400
From: Venantius J Pinto <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Cc: goanet <>,
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Can non-resident Indians please shut up?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hi Tensing!

Your post brought some thought to mind. I live abroad and have no
objections to your thought. But would like to offer a general suggestion.
One can only hope our fellows avoid making any blanket statements,
providing some material, a topic, or point out the erroneous suggestion,
etc. I am not prone to taking umbrage, and do not include myself in this
congeries of "people of Indian origin not living in India;" still, I do
appreciate clarity. Thinking cogently until it becomes the norm in any
being takes time. Writing is a whole other matter.

Many in the West, including me (this is one way to be real by looking
closer at oneself) are not doing well. "Ensconced cushiness?!" Temerity?!
Well. those who fall into that sense of privileges (or, lets simply say
they work hard, as do their old families in Goa) do not say much. On Goanet
there are a few who express on a variety of issues. Most of the alphas have
gone way. Other probably are succumbing to illnesses. I can say these
things. Then there are others who are simply living their good lives,
helping some and going about their business. The same who helped in
whatever way to help jumpstart endeavors, buying bibiks, sharing knowledge,

Speaking for self, rather than go Bhasma, found it better to develop a
thicker skin. In my case, it had to do with protecting myself from some in
the Desh. Note I did not say all.

Venantius J Pinto

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 1:16 PM, Tensing Rodrigues <> wrote:

> Can the people of Indian origin not living in India please shut up? They
> seem to have an opinion about everything and anything that is happening in
> and to Mother India. Sitting in the comfort of their Dollar and Pound and
> Euro ensconced cushiness, they have the temerity to tell Indians in India
> about what is right and what is wrong.
> rajnath-singh-people-of-indian-origin-ocis-pseudo-
> nationalism/story/1/7685.html


Message: 10
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2018 19:43:50 +0100
From: "Eddie" <>
To: "GOANET" <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] enter Imran Khan
Message-ID: <DFE2FC481ED64A20907CC767A4749461@EddieHP>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Nelson, are you sure that Imran Khan was sworn in today as PM?
According to the reliable paper DAWN, he will be sworn in as PM on Sat, 18th
So what has happened today?

DAWN had this to say:
"The day began with a 31-gun salute in the capital, followed by 21-gun
salutes in all four provincial capitals.
The main ceremony was hosted at Islamabad's Jinnah Convention Centre, where
President Mamnoon Hussain hoisted the national flag. The ceremony was also
attended by caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk, the three chiefs of the
armed forces and other notable personalities and foreign dignitaries.
Flag hoisting ceremonies were held in the provincial capitals as well as
district headquarters.
Army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, NA speaker Ayaz Sadiq and Senate chairman
Sadiq Sanjrani attend the independence day ceremony. "


-----Original Message----- 
From: Nelson Lopes
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 3:53 PM
To: Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! ; GOA THOMSON ; Dr. Armando Da
Subject: [Goanet] enter imran Khan


New P.M of Pakistan has been sworn in . Whether it bodes well for India
time alone will tell, notwithstanding the invitation to  India. May be
cricket diplomacy like pink pong earlier may be attempted. His role as a
captain, bowler, batsman may provide the spark if resumed, Cricket is like
a emotional, passionate war of sorts between the neighbours ,substitute for
physical engagement  In the past too attempts have been made by all sides
for rapprochement without much  success

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 13, Issue 383

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