Who discredited the concept of mass promotions in schools

The idea of mass promotion from std III to std VIII was well thought of a
plan. The students were promoted,  irrespective of their performance in all
the tests held during the year, provided that they obtained minimum  marks
in failed subjects. Earlier too condonation  up to 35 marks were granted,
subject to 10/15 marks in each subject. The liberal, unquestionable
internal marks made the promotion as easy too. The need to
maintain divisions and avoid retrenchment of staff was another option for
promotions. The teachers.parents students took it very lightly being
indifferent to the  progress and need to exert themselves. The remedial
classes remained merely  on paper as a formality, without ever identifying
the  slow learners and bringing them up to the required academic standards,
The provision for re examination  of failures was not a priority as
it involved additional work
The unpleasant effects of failures appeared in std X  at the public
examinations. It was all attributed to mass promotions making the concept
an scapegoat for convenience and rationalisation .To circumvent this
malady the detentions were strictly enforced in Std IX. Our schools are
mostly concerned with reputation of school standing. All our energies,
efforts are geared to achieve 100 % public results. The efficiency of the
teacher is measured by performance in public examinations only. The efforts
of extra classes, re -exam are a very distinguishing feature in std X only
with classes beginning soon after the summer break ,and utilizing, Diwali,
Ganesh and Christmas break. The principle of breaks for students benefit
and stressed teacher is ignored. There is a semblance of retest in Std IX
for maintaining  strength for existing divisions  .The Education Dept
monitors detentions in all classes as  a measure to gauze this problem and
questions them on measures adopted
Since our popularity in academic circles depend entirely on results of STD
X public examination, the poor performance is related  to mass promotions
from std I to VIII as the cause for this malady. No credit is bestowed on
the school for achievements , in sports,culture and other co-curricular
activities The barometer of popularity is public examinations in the final
The efforts . concerns,and passions displayed in preparation for std X exam
do not filter down to lower classes. The standard of passing from Std IV to
VIII was subject to minimum level of performance (marks in group of
subjects up to 4) even in the mass promotion.The teachers, students,
parents do not exert themselves by extra classes,tuition, remedial or re
examination. The escape goat is mass promotion and emphasis is on academic
performance per se
In India where a sizable population of students is outside the formal
education system.the detained students become dropouts too early in life.
The parents are busy eking out a  bare sustenance of existence. Out of
school controlled  environment  dropouts are subjected to vices in the
society.Keeping them in schools at least for 8 years,  it was intended to
develop, skills , punctuality, interests values, in other fields that would
keep them fruitfully occupied and increase literacy with maturity. There
are no vocational opportunities for drop outs to be fruitfully enraged. who
are not academically inclined to continue formal education There are enough
stories of successful people without completion of formal
education.  Failures, detained students  had another opportunity just to
appear for examination without attending the school, but this provision too
is never invoked for the benefit of the students.      Hence all the
inbuilt safeguard to address the mass promotion were thrown to the winds
The whole present system of Education is loaded for the benefit of
academically inclined . Institutions, parents, educators are   seeking
glory by the crown of achievements in Std X public examination. No
importance is  given to other fields and activities and total development
of the personality of the student, The dropouts are treated as lepers in
educational parlance. Hence the idea of keeping them in school environment
is defeated by the lobby of academic result oriented mind set. Even if half
the efforts put in at std X preparation were adopted, the non detention
policy is educationally sound. An analysis, of those passing the Std X
examination will be shocking in the level of desirable standards achieved.
Hence retaining students in schools for a minimum period as was envisaged
was sound, but unfortunately sabotaged by mass movement by academic
consideration only
We are all examination oriented and dominated society. We cannot think
without and beyond examination as the only parameter to measure achievement.
.The so called mass  promotion failure is due to our negative attitude of
failure to adjust to the larger goal of education

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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