Dear Reader,

*/DOWN TO EARTH – All about Environment - in one Magazine!!/*

CSE has been in touch with you earlier too and have pleasure in
contacting you now with a special request. As you know, if there is
anything happening in the world of environment that can impact you and
your loved ones, we cover them in our fortnightly magazine Down To
Earth (DTE). DTE is a single platform you can trust and depend on for
authentic, unbiased */news that
you can really use/*. That is our guarantee which has shaped and
guided our DTE magazine over the last 27 years. 

*/As our Editor Sunita Narain rightly says, we cannot continue to do
this without your support. Your subscription pays for our survival –
as we are dependent on you for funds to work,
print and publish. /**We hope you will value our efforts and will
contribute by becoming a subscriber**/./*

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), which brings you this DTE
magazine, was founded in 1980 by the IITK alumnus and visionary
environmentalist, the late Anil Agarwal. CSE is chaired by the
renowned scientist Dr M S Swaminathan and headed by one of India’s
leading environmental activists, Sunita Narain. Being a globally
recognized think tank, you can expect only the
best from us. 

Subscribe to Down To Earth (DTE) magazine, for your personal
collection as well as a few for the Library. DTE has for long been THE
one-stop source for people to understand and address the environmental
issues.We can send a review copy if you would like to know more before

HOW TO SUBSCRIBE — and also get our newly
designed T-Shirt on Plastic Pollution…

* *

You can visit
 for ordering your subscription online. /If you order within a
month/, you will be eligible for /the following// benefits too, till
stocks last/:

• On 3-Year subscription — T-Shirt on Plastic Pollution ––
40” or 44” size only

• On 2-Year subscription — /CSE’s Customized Parker Pen/

• On 1-Year subscription — CSE’s exclusive Environment friendly
Jute Bag 

A 1-year subscription to the DTE English magazine (60 pages) entitles
you to /24 issues/ of DTE magazines in a year. You also get a
/monthly/ supplement, Gobar Times (20 pages), plus online access to
the Digital edition of DTE in PDF version, totally free. You can even
access the entire online archives of the DTE magazine - from
1996 onwards, again at no extra cost!! /You can also order DTE’s
Annual Issue at a reduced rate, while ordering it with your
subscription// (all details are in our online store)//./ Normally
magazine deliveries are by India Post (*free of*cost) but if you want
courier or Regd. Post, *for quick and assured deliveries which can be
tracked, and without the fear of pilferage en route, *then you *will
*need to pay extra*(Please check with us** for details**).*

DTE will ensure we are all better prepared, and become more
environmentally responsible citizens. Please order early as the
additional benefits mentioned are strictly till stocks last. Your
order will support us in sustaining our research activities and
motivate us further.


T R Ramachandran

Deputy General Manager

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