I wonder if you would be kind enough to post the following for me:

I am attempting bring together the histories of Goan associations around the 
world, especially those with an Eastern African content from migration to the 
present time on my website 
www.headlinesofmylife.today<http://www.headlinesofmylife.today>. I would also 
like to celebrate the men and women who deserve our respect and admiration for 
their contribution to the community. I would appreciate it if subscribers to 
Goanet UK (a) would participate and (b) share these with like-minded people. I 
am not interested in a criticial appraisal of the Goan past, the failures or 
the sins, this is not the place for it. I will that, if they wish, to the 
people at the helm. I hope you will accept this in the spirit with which I 
pursue it, without prejudice, so the second and third generations can have a 
conversation about the "first pioneers" and their contribution and 
achievements. Replies to skip...@live.com.au. With thanks.

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