No country in the world is obsessed with race like the United States
of America. The “land of the free and the home of the brave” cherishes
its melting pot myth, but is better described as a checkerboard,
because almost every city, town and neighborhood fosters invisible
borders to perpetuate segregation. Like India and everywhere else, one
divide is money and privilege. But in the USA, even more significant
is the bizarre unscientific conceit that “Black” and “White” Americans
belong to two different races, which has played out with disastrous
implications for citizens across the ethnic spectrum. Now in 2018,
through the prism of Donald Trump’s post-post-racial burlesque, there
is the remarkable spectacle of ambitious Indian Americans scaling
political heights on both sides of this flimsily conceived divide.

This is the story of Nimrata Randhawa (now known as Nikki Haley) and
Kamala Devi Harris, two immensely talented women with deep roots in
India who now represent, respectively, the Republican and Democratic
parties. But there are more intriguing differences, because Haley
represents the conservative South, with political aspirations
inextricable from “white” racial politics. She has conspicuously
crossed the colour line in one direction. Meanwhile Harris is grounded
in liberal California, where her mother’s Tamil Indian ethnicity has
long been subsumed (at least in the public eye) to African-American
identity, which she lays claim to via her father’s Afro-Caribbean
roots in Jamaica. Conservative whites love “our Nikki”, who became the
first female governor of South Carolina. But when Kamala Harris was
elected to the Senate in 2016, it was portrayed as an African-American

All this is extremely weird, but also the logical fallout from
America’s schizophrenia when it comes to race. The Naturalization Act
of 1790 limited citizenship to “free White persons of good character”
which meant European-Americans with ostensible roots in a handful of
countries in the north of Europe. But ever since then, to suit
prevailing whims and expediencies, the term “white” has steadily
expanded to include Irish and Italians, then Jews and Arabs, and
latterly, many South American migrants. In fact, there is no such
thing as “white” or any scientific basis to this highly blinkered race
construct. For example, genetic surveys have amply demonstrated most
“African-Americans in America have significant European ancestry, and
much the same is true vice versa (particularly in the “racially”
charged South).

With Indians, the situation becomes even more ridiculous. In 1909,
Bhicaji Framji Balsara became one of the first migrants from the
subcontinent to be granted official citizenship, after fighting
through two courts. The judge who finally relented also lamented the
precedent would“bring in, not only the Parsee…which is probably the
purest Aryan type, but also Afghans, Hindoos, Arabs, and Berbers.” But
in 1923, the pendulum ticked decisively the other way when Bhagat
Singh Thind, argued all the way to the Supreme Court that he too was
“a high-caste Aryan, of pure Indian blood” adding (clearly seeking to
fall the right side of anti-miscegenation laws) “the high-caste Hindu
regards the aboriginal Indian Mongoloid in the same manner as the
American regards the Negro, speaking from a matrimonial standpoint.”

Thind failed. But before and after him, Indian migrants who found a
way to pass for “white” assimilated into one America, while a similar
cohort of countrymen became absorbed into cosmopolitan black
communities, like those in Harlem and New Orleans. Eventually, the
Luce-Celler Act of 1946 allowed for 100 Indians to migrate each year
and become citizens, before even those onerous barriers came down in
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Today, Indian Americans
number at least four million, besides another 500,000 undocumented
migrants. But time stands still in the American political arena, which
retains exactly the same bankrupt binary that has persisted since the
country was made up of only 13 states. Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris
live in the 21st century, but when it comes to political identity
their only choice remains black or white.

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