Just confirms our opinion of  Madam  Sinha

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 1:16 PM Goanet Reader <goanetrea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> An open letter to Goa Governor, Mridula Sinha
> My Take by Monika Kshatriya
> My Take this week is by Monika
> Kshatriya, a disability rights
> activist and freelance
> journalist based in Goa. Monika
> has over 17 years' experience
> in TV news and has an abiding
> interest in issues concerning
> persons with disabilities,
> environment and gender
> non-conformists and continues
> reporting on these issues.
> Dear Ms. Governor,
> On Saturday, at a celebratory event in Porvorim, you managed
> to turn a victorious mood to a bitter and anguished one. With
> just one line, you displayed not just your utter lack of
> understanding of diversity, but you also managed to trample
> upon the very Constitution that you swore to uphold while
> taking an oath to office.
> You were invited as the chief guest at the prize distribution
> ceremony of the T20 Series between India, Sri Lanka and
> England. This sporting event was organised by the Goa Cricket
> Association and the Cricket Association for the Blind in India.
> The mood was jubilant because the hosts, Team India, managed
> to claim the cup. This was a moment to celebrate the special
> abilities of the players, the grit and determination of a
> team that fought against all kinds of physical and mental
> barriers to reaching this far. What everyone expected or hoped
> to hear from you were words of praise for these path
> breakers, who are an inspiration to many sportspersons in
> this cricket-obsessed nation of ours.
> Instead, you chose to heap a huge dollop of humiliation
> served with a garnish of insult and served with deep
> insensitivity. You said "Blind people are a mistake committed
> by God and it is a miracle such people can play cricket".
> Ms Governor, today you hold the exalted office of the
> governor. You are sworn to uphold the law. We address you as
> "Her Excellency", not because you were born in a certain
> family, religion or caste, but because you are appointed by
> the President himself to the high office to ensure that the
> Constitution is adhered to.
> Let me enlighten you about what the Constitution says in this
> regard.
>           Under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act,
>           2016 the government is required to inter alia,
>           ensure/protect a disabled person’s right to
>           equality, dignity and respect for his/her integrity
>           equally with others; right to personal liberty,
>           right not to be discriminated against; right to
>           live in a community, and right to equal protection.
>           Clearly in complete disregard of this Act, you have
>           attempted to strip persons with disabilities of the
>           dignity they deserve.
> Cricket for the Blind is a specialised sport. It requires a
> special skill to play it and clearly not everyone can. I
> assure you that even a blind-folded Sachin Tendulkar or Virat
> Kohli will not be able to clear the qualification round for
> the district team. Clearly, you failed to see the abilities
> of these sports persons. All you could focus on was their
> disability.
> Also, it didn't take a "miracle" for these sportsmen to
> perform, but sheer sweat and hard work in perfecting their
> game. A person with visual impairment has to cross a million
> hurdles to get to a sports field. After years of struggle one
> reaches the international level and plays a game. And then to
> be told that you are god’s mistake - is demeaning to say the least.
>           Ms. Governor, may I also jog your memory. This is
>           not the first time a right wing politician has
>           repeated this idea. Can you please enlighten me
>           about which text of the Sanatan dharma propounds
>           this idea of God's mistake? So you might argue on
>           the "Karma” theory, that persons with Disability,
>           whom the Prime Minster has lovingly termed "Diyang"
>           (one with divine limbs), are a result of mistakes
>           made in their last birth. Well, then you must admit
>           that one the most revered poets of the Bhakti
>           movement, Surdas, was a huge mistake.
> Finally, please don't put this down to a mistake of the
> Almighty, but to your inability to understand diversity and
> the law. Your inability to understand that each of us,
> irrespective of our physical features, is a perfect creation.
> https://newzhook.com/story/20256?fbclid=IwAR2ENo_zyKr1RTVjANxipfj8dwPl06HZpY92kVikdAs54RocJMUeL7lqSx8

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