I have been a faithful reader of GoaNet almost from its inception a few decades 
ago, I don't write often, preferring to hold my views to myself. I value and 
appreciate the  thoughtful, insightful articles by Vivek Menezes, Aires 
Rodrigues, John Eric Gomes, Stephen Dias, Frederick Noronha, Roland Francis, 
the editor of UK based Goan Voice  etc (I am sure I have missed some names, but 
you can blame that on the fading memory of old age),
  Their articles add value to the discourse, and are the primary reason why I 
continue to faithfully access  Goanet in its digest form.  There were others 
such as Dr. Cornell DaCosta and Dr. Jose Colaco who have passed on. Some of the 
writers had contentious views (to me at least).  While I  did not always agree 
with their viewpoints, I appreciated their sincerity and their eloquence. 
And then, we are occasionally assaulted with drivel, about long ago events, 
that few of us care about. with excruciating  details and names of individuals. 
 Who cares ?  Low self-esteem and inflated egos are probably what leads one to 
write such drivel.  Reminds one of the President of a well known country who 
thinks he will get the Nobel Peace Prize for his so called achievements.  
Recognition comes to those who do not seek it.  There is no need to toot one's 
horn about one achievements or contributions towards the public good.  If you 
deserve recognition, you will get it.
It has been my experience on GoaNet, that when a person cannot makesensible 
arguments on the Net, they resort to private E-Mails.  I have been assaulted 
with such private E-Mails in response to my infrequent postings on GoaNet.  
Without bothering to open such E-Mails, I relegate them to theSpam trash bin. 

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