GoaNet has (surprisingly) attracted a few comments on UK's BREXIT but they have been somewhat short on specifics. May’s BREXIT proposals are essentially inspired by Tory's dedication to the neo-liberal ideology whereby wealth & power are grabbed by the few at the expense of the many. In contrast, Corbyn's Labour Party is deeply socialist, seeking a redistribution of the wealth for the many.

On BREXIT, the Labour Party notes that
1. May’s deal doesn’t guarantee staying in the Customs Union, vital for selling Brit products in the EU. Without a comprehensive Customs Union, jobs could be on the line.

2. Workers’ rights (like parental leave or sick pay) have not been clarified.

3. There is a serious lack of detail about immigration, making the future of EU workers & Brits living abroad uncertain.

4. Existing security arrangements could disappear in Dec 2020, leaving borders unprotected.

5. UK is made up of four nations. May’s Brexit offers one deal for Northern Ireland but says nothing about Scotland or Wales in the document of 500 pages.

6. There is no protection of student exchange programmes nor of vital research projects that can provide future jobs.

Mr Patrice Riemens (of Holland?) wrote that :
"EU was and still is first and foremost an instrument to avoid war in Europe ..." May be but the EU never hesitates to make war on brown & black people. A prime example is the destruction of Libya through the US led NATO.
Mr Corbyn told business leaders recently that Britain needs a radical programme of "industrial and economic renewal" needed after years of under-investment and economic deregulation. "Rigid and outdated" economic thinking, he said, had contributed to widening inequality, with 20% of the country's wealth in the hands of only 1% of the population. He urged all large firms to put 1% of their share capital aside every year to give workers up to £500 in shares and to use the remainder to fund public services and welfare. "Workers create profits. Giving workers a share in them is not just fair, it is good for business."

Read more; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CETwDNE1zRQ

On no-deal BREXIT, read https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/10/02/a-no-deal-brexit-will-destroy-the-british-economy/


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