God does not think the way mankind thinks. According to some of his
creation, just because of a few bad apples,  the thought of throwing
the whole barrel comes to their mind.

But God, the Almighty send his only son to see that just because of a
few rottten apples,
 the whole of his creation is not thrown to eternal damnation.

By the way there is a saying, "kam zallem voiz mello."


The Church must be held to a higher standard being in a position of trust and
authority for millenni

A few bad apples are enough to get the barrel thrown out.


> On Dec 1, 2018, at 4:39 AM, Devak Argham <devakarg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The way the Church is lambasted for the sins of few (not thousands as
> claimed) makes me wonder if the Society each of us lives in is free

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