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My First Date.  My First  Innocent Date
(It’s a big story but cutting it short)
We both  knew we ‘like’ each other  very much.
What we did not know  if we both  really in  ‘love’ with each other
We were very secretive, all we wanted was to see each other’s face at least 
once a day.
And how this was possible?
Well,  Tuesday’s St. Anthony Mass, Wednesday Novena, Thursday Pilar, Sunday 
Mass etc.  She had
two elder brothers so she would not do anything in the open.  She was innoncent 
and God
fearing too
This innocent affair went on for about 6 months and during this period  I may 
have dance with
her  one or two times at someone's wedding receptions and that’s all.
One day, it was raining heavily; she and her mother took shelter outside our 
At this time I quickly wrote a note (my first love letter?) saying to meet  me 
at a place
which was about 11 kms away.  I somehow managed to pass on the note to her 
while they were
there outside the house.
I could not sleep whole night thinking she might not come.  Next day, she was 
there at the
right place and at the right time.  We both headed for north (on my chetak 
scooter and we did
not talk much)  via Chorao ferry.  I wanted to go somewhere far away, so I 
choose the spot
where I had been only once before when I was a kid during our school picnic.  I 
must have
asked at least 5-7 people how to get there.  Finally, we made it .  We hired a 
boat and we
were in the waters seating facing/starring  each other  for about one full hour.
It was at this time we both realized we are actually in L O V E.
Yes, we were on a romantic boat trip
A boat trip  at Mayen Lake .
 My first date.
 My first innocent date.
Like most of the boys of my age, I too felt very proud  and secured for having 
a girlfreind
(just two of us and nobody else knew about this affair).
Sadly, she got married within one year  as if we were not made for each other.
I was to blame for this as I was ’bekar shett’ at that time  and her parents 
were after her
marriage and she finally got married at the age of 20 and her younger sister 
got married  even
younger at the age of 17.5 by bribing the Panchayat.
But the innocent moments we spent together at Mayem Lake have left an indelible 
ink mark on my
heart.  Like the song ‘Sad movies  always make me cry’ 
Mayem Lake makes me cry every time I go there and see the little pedal boats 
(or see on TV
etc) and now every time I watch this clip...
Now, you may wish to know if I ever met her all these years?
Answer is No.  Nor I ever made any efforts to find out about her.
Nor, I lived at the same place where I used to live before.
No doubt, we both are very happy is our married lives but can anyone ever 
forget the first
love ?
Ask your self this question and come back to me with your answer.

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