Thanks for that, Marci. Will have a read when I have
some breathing space!(Life's a bit hectic just now!)
   I did know about St. Francis's connection with Malindi as a
former District Officer friend of mine had mentioned this to
me as he belonged to a group calling themselves, "Friends of Malindi"
I think they used to produce a regular newsletter but sadly this friend
passed away some years ago. Will make enquiries from others.
Thanks anyway and a Happy Feast to you all.


On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 10:22 PM M Pereira <>

>  As the feast of St Francis Xavier is celebrated on 3rd December, thought
> I would share a fascinating research finding from the work that was done
> some years ago, by Father Corcoran, of the 'Holy Ghost White Fathers', now
> called 'The Spiritans' .  His work is entitled: 'Mombasa Mission 1888
> -1990'.  The attachment herein, extracts interesting findings on St Francis
> Xavier, landing in Malindi, 42 years after Vasco Da Gama, on his way to
> Goa, and examines closely his observations of Malindi from the letter he
> wrote to his Superior in Rome.  I for one, didn't know that St Francis had
> touched in Malindi.
> St Francis' letter, also offers a  little insight into his missionary zeal
> and the humility of the man.
> Wishing one and all a Happy Feast.
> Marci Pereira
> 01 December 2018
> Project: "Archiving Memories of Mombasa Goan School/Sacred Heart School"
> e-mail: <>

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