---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Melvyn Fernandes <mel...@symtravels.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 at 21:06
Subject: Watch "Cortalim-Verna road to be shut for 1 year, divert
Panaji-Margao traffic via Vasco" on YouTube
To: melvynfernandes <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>



Date: 11 December 2018 at 21:06
Subject: Watch "Cortalim-Verna road to be shut for 1 year, divert
Panaji-Margao traffic via Vasco" on YouTube  click below

https://youtu.be/ <https://youtu.be/A5MEHEWrbuo>A line from the book
Sorrowing lies my land by Lambert Mascarenhas Inspired me during my early
teenage years over 45 years ago while in Nairobi Kenya I will need to read
the book again for the actual wordings .

As India powers ahead with its 5 Trillion Economy, the Motorway or
Skyscraper of a Highway 47 snaking through Goa  looks like a civil
engineers dream or a dodgy contractors playground as sleepy villages have
their roads and land devoured with heavy plant and machinery lying
everywhere  disregarding any dust control and human health it looks like a
semi controlled Building Site.

This Bombay By Pass to Kerala via Goa Karnataca and Manglore will be over
1270km when completed . The Goa Section towers above villages too high to
gauge the width of this concrete giant. Will there be provision for harbour
areas for emergency vehicles and slip roads for rest stops to villages
whose small shops that also is  the backbone of the economy of India.

What happens to the heavy poisonous carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles,
will this just float down to be gratefully received by the cashew, mango
trees amongst other vegetation to be turned into oxygen through
photosynthesis.  What will the health implications be amongst humans and

The Panjim to Mapusa tree lined road containing circles with flowers is
completely broken

Government Officials will come and go. The Administrators currently do not
have any initiative on Goa oh  What a State.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey England

14 December 2018


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