

The Editor /In-Charge of News Desk


Dear Sirs,

English writer Mr. M.A. Chacko has recently released his book.  News and
the release function photo is attached herewith. Kindly publish the
press-note and photograph of the same given below.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Vincy Quadros,



The  book titled “ Two Leaves  and  Bud “ written by M.A. Chacko, published
by Crossword  Book Stores , Mumbai was released  on Saturday 15th  December
2018 at  the Black Box , Ravindra Bhavan , Margao.  Mr. Tomazinho  Cardozo
, Ex speaker  of  Goa   legislative Assembly  and  eminent  writer  was the
 Chief Guest and Dr. Susan Deborah  Assistant  Professor MES college,
Blogger and  Ecowriter,  was the  Guest of Honour.

The Chief  Guest  in his address lauded  the  author  for  his
contribution to the  literature  and   Dr  Susan Deborah   delivered  a
the   key note  address  giving  the overall view of the  book .

DrCigy C Bores  welcomed  the  guests  and introduced  the   Chief   Guest
and  Guest of  Honour . Mrs Cini Chacko  proposed the  Vote of  thanks  and
Tomson  Robert compared the  programme

 About the  Book .

Three  distinct  stories  weave their   magic   in the novel.

The first  story *The  Faithful  Husband* is based on the  Syrian Catholic
Community  which remained a separate  entity  for  centuries   together.
They were agriculturists and their large families   needed  more land for
their livelihood . They had set  principles and  pet  beliefs often
detrimental to  the  growth of society.  Their love for the   soil and
hard  work  they  put in was noteworthy.

 There was an exodus  on the community  from central Kerala  to   acquire
more land  from the Malabar   Namboodiries  as the later  wanted to  sell
the   excess land  and  escape from the Land  Ceiling  Act   to be enforced
by the World ‘s  first   democratically  elected  communist  government to
power  in  mid   twenties.

Seby , a  true  Sunday Christen, through  his endeavours , cunningness  and
chicanery   tried to  expand the   family  tradition. His ideology of self
above  everything   was  a  sage  in itself   despite   the  new order.

  The  second  story is about an artist and his pursuits for  art for art
sake. A mature artist,

charmed by the beauty of a rustic girl, selects her as his model, and she
encourages him and

complies with his requirements wholeheartedly. Engulfed and mesmerised by
her picture on the canvas, she wallows in an imaginary world   The
passenger  who duped the   acquaintances  who travelled   with him  as
narrated in the book looks  real and  natural. Chacko fluently discusses
the  interplay of  family , values, society,  marriage,  dowry  and
property  on the   day to day life of the  community.

*The Holiday,  *the final story , is  day in the life of  Raymond , who
wanders  through the old  haunts of Goa on his  day off. With his leisurely
pace and graceful  style, it gives a  kaleidoscopic  view of the  tourist
in this   multi- cultured   tourist  spot Goa.

The  title  of the  second story   is chosen as the  title of the  book
as  the title as the other  stories on either side somehow  coincide  with
the   middle  story, the  bud. The  first  story is  related to the past
and  second  more concerned  with the  love for  art  , the universal
theme. The third is the  mundane affairs  mildly  touching  Goa.

About the Author.

 M. A. Chacko originally hails from Kerala. He started as a school teacher
 and retired as the Principal of a Higher Secondary School after a long
teaching career spanning more than three decades. He presently lives in
Goa. He pursues his passion for writing. He is the author of three other
books: *The Circus and Other Stories, How He Met Me and Other Stories
*and *Those
Memorable Days*.

 *-------- *
Vincy Quadros      विन्सी  क्वाद्रूस      فينسي كوادروس  *ವಿನ್ಸಿ ಕ್ವಾಡ್ರೊಸ್*
Winner of National 'Bal Sahitya Puraskar', Konkani Author & Freelance
Address :
"Snows Krupa"
Arlem, Raia, Salcete Goa.
Mobile - 9822587498
Visit me at http://vincyquadros.blogspot.com/

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