PANJIM: A one-day seminar-cum-refresher course for football match commissionners and football referees assesors organized by the Referees and Assitant Referees Committee of Goa Football Association (GFA) will be held on Saturday, December 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the SAG’s Bambolim athletics-cum-football stadium. The seminar will be conducted by an accredited AFC Instructor. Details may be obtained from Mr Jose Santrito Coelho (Babush) or Mr Maurico Almeida or Mr Franky Fernandes, Head of Referees in Goa. The objective of the seminar is to further enhance the skills of assessment and also to carry out a SWOT analysis for raising the performance for the improvement of football in the State.


Goa Football Association

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