Shirley Gonsalves

Some years ago, I started to research into my family history,
and during this process I first came to know the story of
John Baptist Pinto, my great grandfather. This remarkable man
was someone I have a vague childhood recollection of, dating
back to a trip home to Goa from Kenya. I was very young and
my great grandparents lived at the Nigvaddo locality in the
village of Saligão, in North Goa's Bardez sub-district
(concelho or taluka). This is one of my earliest memories.

          During the visit, my great grandmother, renowned
          for her operatic skills, and known as the
          Nightingale of East AfricaAfrica (at least within
          my own family), played the piano and tried her best
          to encourage me to sing along with her. As for my
          great grandfather, he was pottering upstairs with
          some dolls that he was making of local material
          (including coconut shells) and showing them off to
          me with great pride.

John Baptist Pinto, generally known as J.B. Pinto, was my
maternal great grandfather. As I was living in Africa as a
child at that time, inevitably, as is the case with many a
migrant Goan family, I had little awareness of the man other
than his rather distant role as the patriarch of the family.

Several years later, whilst researching in the archives into
early migratory patterns from Goa, I came across this book in
a library search. Following this, I naturally consulted the
work at the Jesuit-run Xavier Centre of Historical Research,
at Alto Porvorim in Goa, which incidentally is not far from
Saligão. After a few phone calls to my grandmother, I
confirmed that the J.B. Pinto from our family had indeed
written a book and had also written more work in his native
language of Konkani (also spelt as Concanim or Concani in his times)....

This small book, first published in the 1960s, had always had
a relatively small distribution, so although often cited by
scholars the availability of the book was limited. In part
inspired by this book, my own research on South Asia has
focused on identity and community, family, oral history and
my own experience as a member of a rapidly growing and
increasingly spreading Goan Diaspora.

          As I worked on these areas I could see the value in
          the republication of this text and the potential
          for researchers and scholars alike to benefit from
          it. The rise in recent scholarly publications on
          these issues shows a growing interest in studies on
          the Goan Diaspora of which this book was arguably
          among the first. (Another early book was A expansão
          do Goês pelo mundo by Pedro Joaquim Peregrino da
          Costa (Tipografia Sadananda, 1956)). The contents
          of this text, which includes petitions and letters
          to and responses from the local authorities,
          provides us with an insight into the issues and
          attitudes of the time within Goa. Such rich
          historical context provides good first-hand
          material that would benefit any study of this
          period. Details relating to economic, social and
          political life are addressed in a surprisingly
          straightforward and open way. Pinto describes Goan
          civic, social and community organisation at the
          village level. A number of institutions and terms
          used specifically in Goa are referred to and

So, as we started to prepare the manuscript for
republication, I resolved to return to his life history and
to find out more about this intriguing and rather enigmatic
person. J.B. Pinto represents a common picture of those
migrating out of Goa and whose families now form a large part
of the Goan Diaspora.

As expected, this task was not as easy as it seemed. Like
many Goan Ugandan families, his surviving relatives have been
scattered around the world. However, through much use of the
Internet and help from interested people, I began to piece
together his biography.

His family members included a number of surviving children,
including my grandmother (who had lived in Uganda, Kenya, Goa
and the United Kingdom, at different points of time) and her
brother Maurice Pinto, formerly of Uganda and who now lives
in Canada. These contacts provided some useful information as
well as family anecdotes which I had not heard of before.

The first thing that stood out for me was the sheer
determination of Pinto in undertaking this study over a wide
time span in the face of official indifference. Also, he did
so at times when printing was difficult in Goa, and
publishing, with one or two exceptions, virtually unheard of.

He also had a broad range of interests and activities. The
second aspect that is notable to me is that these activities
were in areas that got recorded and thus remained available
to a researcher working in the twenty-first century. The
third point that struck me was that Pinto was involved in a
variety of public or civic activities. He lived during a time
when Goa was undergoing a period of intense social, cultural,
political and economic change. Indeed a number of issues
currently debated today were also of concern to Pinto at that

In more recent times, there has been great interest in the
social lives of the working class and the subaltern classes
and, as such, this work has helped historians to examine the
past in a more balanced way and from a variety of
perspectives. With respect to historical studies, this work
makes an attempt to give a voice to those whose histories
have been largely hidden from view, perhaps due to the nature
of communities living in the Diaspora.

Furthermore, it is hoped that, through this publication,
others living in the Diaspora and in Goa may be inspired to
also share their family histories and thus make a
contribution to the better understanding of the past on which
our future is so dependent on.

Historically, not only did India achieve independence at this
time but this was also the period when Goa underwent some of
its most important transformations in several hundred years.
Including the suppression of the population under the Estado
Novo led by the Portuguese dictator António de Oliveira
Salazar and ultimately Liberation in 1961. Likewise, in East
Africa, the British Empire was in retreat and ultimately
Uganda would fall under the control of the unstable
nationalist dictator Idi Amin, who was to expel the South
Asian population (including tens of thousands of Goans) from
the country.

          In Uganda and in Goa during this period, the Goan
          Christian population was a relatively small
          community within a larger community. One gets the
          impression that this was a world where everybody in
          the mercantile middle classes knew each other.
          Further, the necessity of emigration was felt by
          many members of the community. This book was
          written during the 1950s, when the writing was
          increasingly on the wall over the possible end of
          Portuguese India. Perhaps feeling the winds of
          decolonisation from both India and East Africa,
          Pinto set out to document the Goan experience of
          migration and also to identify why this was
          happening within the wider context of colonisation
          and decolonisation.

It was also only possible to publish the book [when it came
out the first time around] after the Liberation. It was
published in English despite being partially based on a much
longer manuscript which he originally wrote in Roman-script
Konkani. I do not have a satisfactory explanation for why he
did this, but I suspect that it may well have been that he
sought to build a wider understanding of the problems in Goa
among the Indian elite who had then taken control of Goa.

          In this book, he included a letter that he had sent
          to the Portuguese Governor of Goa where he had also
          tried to influence Portuguese policy in Goa, in a
          way that would reduce the need for so many people
          to emigrate. Sadly, Goa, despite being one of the
          wealthiest states in India today, continues to be a
          net exporter of its people and the newspapers are
          full of adverts for lawyers who can procure
          Portuguese passportspassports!Portuguese for its
          people or from agents promising to facilitate jobs
          for them in the Persian Gulf and on cruise liners.
          Many of the trends noted by Pinto sixty years ago
          remain extremely relevant to the Goa of this day,
          including his description of the need for our
          villages to become productive units.

Through this work, we can gain some historical understanding
and insight into the affairs of those times. Wider issues are
also covered, such as colonialism, in this case both
Portuguese and British; Independence both from the British in
India and the Portuguese in Goa; nationalism; transition; the
impact of migration as well as into the effect at the local
level and community-based mechanisms used to elicit change.

Pinto shares with us his personal social activism, opinions
and solutions in the form of petitions. In discussing his
ideas, he reflects some current thinking of the time. A
number of his interests represent and echo a wider discourse
on matters that are still pivotal to our lives today, many of
which are rooted in this period.

Perhaps we can extend our analytical skills to matters
relating to colonial settings elsewhere? This work examines
Goa migration to British East Africa and the complexities of
rehabilitation. Pinto covers issues which are still examined
today, such as race, identity and community. The importance
of language, education, economy, tariffs, taxes and trade,
currency exchange, the issue of identity cards, citizenship
and nationality, the encouragement of entrepreneurship and
business enterprise continue to dominate discussion in Goa.

>From my own research (The Luso-Indian Stethoscope, 2018), the
issue of Konkani being regarded as a language in its own
right as opposed to being considered a dialect of Marathi was
debated in intellectual circles in the nineteenth century.
The status of the language and its recognition as a State
language has continued to receive much attention and
controversy. Pinto was clearly concerned about the lack of
educational institutions that could support the repatriation
of Goans with English-speaking skills. He was also an ardent
supporter of Konkani language as an important factor of the
Goan heritage.

Education was also an important matter to Pinto. He was
involved in the establishment of the Norman Godinho School in
Uganda. In this work on Goan emigration, he outlines the
importance of free and compulsory education in Goa, for the
future, its economic prosperity and independence from the
need for Goans to seek opportunities elsewhere in order to
sustain themselves economically. He also outlines the
difficulties and discrimination faced by Goan migrants.

The participation of Goans in the Second World War
(1939-1945) had been acknowledged by Pinto, who himself had
received a medal for his services during the First World War.
He himself, like many of his generation, migrated to Uganda
as a young man and returned back to Goa leaving his adult
children behind in Africa when he retired with his wife to
Nigvaddo, Saligão.

          Whilst abroad, Pinto did not however forget his
          home and followed events in Goa and wider India
          with interest. An Indian patriot, J.B. Pinto
          actively welcomed the arrival of the Indian forces
          in Goa during the Liberation of 1961. As mentioned,
          he himself had returned to Goa after his retirement
          in East Africa although his children would
          ultimately be scattered across the world as a
          result of the expulsion of the South Asian
          populations from East Africa. His descendants are
          now spread across India, Europe and North America,
          somewhat ironically continuing the path of
          migration of which Pinto was an early observer.
          J.B. Pinto died at his home in Saligão on January
          11, 1973, and was buried at the cemetery of the
          scenic village church.

Shirley L. Gonsalves is based in Cansa, Tivim and can be
contacted via email above. This text is an extract from the
recently-republished *Goan Emigration* by J.B.Pinto (Goa,1556
available via mail order from
Goanet Reader is edited and compiled by Frederick Noronha
( It also carries book excerpts.
Please get in touch if you have any interesting Goa-related
writing that you would like to share with the widely spread
Goanet world in cyberspace.

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