The Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Limited (IPSCDL) on 3rd September
last year had a meeting with the residents of Ribandar who were
categorically assured that another meeting would be organized where the
residents would be given complete details of what was being planned and
that no works would commence unless the locals were taken into confidence.

But suddenly this week the (IPSCDL) suddenly started a chaotic digging the
roads in Ribandar which has been now stopped due to the prompt intervention
of the Chief Secretary Mr. Parimal Rai and the North Goa Collector Mr.
Levinson Martins.

The Imagine Panaji Smart City Development Limited is being craftily used as
yet another vehicle by the BJP to hurriedly loot and plunder under the
guise of making Panaji a Smart City. All their shabby works already done so
far are on public display.

Not a single Goan architect or planner has been taken on board. The only
Goan on that eight member sham Board of Directors is Sidharth Kuncalienkar,
the crafty collection agent of Manohar Parrikar for whom this is yet
another opportunity to further line up his already overflowing pockets. On
what criteria was he appointed as Director despite he having no knowledge
whatsoever of architecture or city planning?

Although Panaji and Goa at large having such brilliant expertise in the
field, this government which claims to be for Goem, Goenkar and Goenkarponn
has also appointed their conman and smooth operator Swayandipta Pal
Chaudhuri as the Managing Director so that all their evil plans can be
swiftly executed. Time to wind up this very devious Imagine Panaji Smart
City Development Limited and stop this massive criminal waste of public

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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