India’s Catholic Church did not remain far behind.

Five years ago I was constantly asking myself “are there Indian floodgates that 
will open”, hoping somehow that there was something special about the simple 
faith there which would have arrested the disease that was insidiously creeping 
into all other Catholic societies. That happens mainly in the West I told 
myself. What I didn’t know was that the simpler the faith of the victims, the 
more cruel the suffering to them and their families, in the Domino Effect.

Could there really be a god allowing all this to happen to society’s most 
vulnerable, inflicted by those ordained in his own service.

And then skeleton after skeleton tumbled out of the Desi cupboards beginning 
with the nuns. I suspect there’s a lot more that will come out before we see 
the end of the sordid chapter. The story of innocent altar boys and orphaned 
children I suspect, has not yet been told.

There aren’t enough stones to cast, Devak Argham.


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