This will happen for as long as priests are celibate. The celibacy status has 
to change.

Bernice Pereira

Sent from my iPhone

> On 23-Feb-2019, at 11:53 PM, Roland Francis <> wrote:
> Writes 34 year old former nun Doris Wagner in her book on her experiences of 
> being raped by a German member of the Church’s Vatican hierarchy.
> There are indications of abuse of nuns that indicate fully one-third have 
> been sexually exploited, raped, aborted and lives shattered.
> While we have been told about the sexual exploitation of children by priests 
> and bishops, the story of women in the service of the church is just now 
> unravelling.
> While the full extent of this exploitation was not known so far, now thanks 
> to the determination of the Kerala nuns and the long overdue admission of 
> Pope Francis running co-incidentally with the current Vatican conference on 
> sex abuse within the Catholic Church, at last the dams of repression are 
> bursting. 
> Nuns abused by clergy feel overlooked at Vatican summit
> -------------- next part --------------
> Roland
> Toronto

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