The sudden, sad death of Prof. Teotonio de Souza in Lisbon last week
has deprived Goa of an irreplaceable public intellectual. Though
situated in Portugal for over two decades, the Moira-born historian
remained tirelessly engaged online and in academia, while
single-handedly inspiring hundreds of students, scholars, writers and
researchers in multiple areas of interest centering back to his
beloved homeland. In his earlier avatar as unusually driven,
path-breaking Jesuit, he (along with colleague of 50 years, Charles
Borges, and the preternaturally gifted librarian, Lilia Maria D’Souza)
built the once-vital Xavier Centre of Historical Research, and set the
foundations for modern historiography of this ancient crossroads on
the Konkan coastline.

Uncommon visionaries are said to have been “born before their time.”
This certainly applies to Prof. de Souza, who suffered many slights
and setbacks throughout his career, for ideas and attitudes that are
today mostly celebrated. He “paid the price for being different”, his
friend and long-time collaborator, Frederick Noronha wrote in a fine
2007 essay appropriately entitled, ‘The Intellectuals Goa doesn’t
Deserve’, describing how de Souza’s rigorous approach “steered clear
from the blatantly partisan and the subtle or not-so-subtle
sympathetic-to-colonialism view adopted by many at the time. Likewise,
his views never struck one as being opportunistically tuned to suit
the needs of a post-colonial state, a new elite in a hurry to justify
its regime and privilege, or an attempt to tar the past in a darker
hue than it needed to.”

It was an emblematic life, from the bullock cart to cyberspace. In his
1994 book ‘Goa to Me’, the historian movingly recalls a typical rural
childhood where “one could count on one’s finger-tips the families in
the village doing well for themselves. These were closely associated
with the Portuguese administration, and some had even acquired a
colour change” and “the seminary was the only hope for the ambitious
of the lower middle class.” But then fate intervened, “the liberation
of Goa…had a deep impact on my personal surroundings and life.” Now
the young scholar flourished, “there had to be a break of the entire
system to bring about such a change of attitudes and opportunities…But
that did not make me less of a victim of that system. Even after the
system had vanished, and fresh wind was blowing, the scars would
remain and also some internal wounds to be healed.”

Today you search online for “History of Goa” and Google spits 128
million results. At the top are relatively reasonable, somewhat
balanced, at least cursorily fact-checked accounts such as from
crowd-sourced behemoth, Wikipedia. But when Prof. de Souza set about
building the foundations of his monumental oeuvre, nothing like that
existed. Huge masses of fantastic source material languished in the
archives (to a large extent, they remain there) but sophisticated
synthesis and interpretation was almost entirely absent. Instead of
anything resembling scientific historiography, there was only pious
claptrap and propaganda. To the extent we have more and better today,
considerable debt is owed to Prof. de Souza, and less than a handful
of other pioneers like polymathic scholar Jose Pereira, and American
anthropologist, Dr. Robert Newman.

But there’s an important distinction. The work of Newman and Pereira
(and indeed Borges) has been to a large extent confined to the
relatively sedate halls of academe, and specialized journals. That
difference is the measure of Dr. de Souza, who intervened
full-throated in all dimensions of public intellectual life and
popular debate, and never stopped institution-building. Already near
50 years, he jumped on to the Internet with rare and remarkable
alacrity in the mid-1990’s, where he remained ubiquitous and highly
dynamic from that point onwards. He is survived by his wife, and
loving family members, but also an incalculable cohort of disciples,
friends and admirers, as well as the superb Goa Research Net online
network that he tended with great care and sagacity right until the

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