The Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy,
Has organized fifth Neurotherapy Camp in Goa under AYUSH Ministry

Facilities available include Cupping & Neurotherapy, Agnikarma, Acupuncture
& Acupressure,
Treatment available for cervical, back, knee & migraine etc pain and also
for frozen shoulder

Feb 25 to March 1, 2019 are dates of current camp at Hadfade,
Camp inaugurated by AYUSH Minister Shri Shripad Naik today

Under able supervision of Dr Manoj Sharma & his ANHRC team,
Relief is sought to be provided through Ayurveda neurotherapy stream

Ayurveda is a system which uses the inherent principles of nature,
To keep body, mind & spirit in equilibrium with Tridoshas structure

The doshas assist in the creation of all body tissues & help eliminate
unnecessary waste products of any kind,
It is the Tridoshas that influence all movements, transformations, sensory
functions and other activities in the human body & mind

"Ayurvedic" Neurotherapy is an ancient Indian rehabilitative therapy based
on the vedic principles & philosophy,
The nerves, muscles, joints, blood & lymphatic channels are at the center
of this natural healing therapy

The body is co-ordinated by three energy forces- Vata (air), pitta (bile)
and kapha (water),
Neurotherapy helps in restoring & balancing the physiological equilibrium
to perform its functions better

"Ayurvedic" Neurotherapy is a complete system of healing, incorporating
mechanical, psychological, bio-force and biochemical aspects,
Each person has a unique dosha with unique nutritional needs & establishing
your dosha improves your recovery prospects

Ayurvedic Neurotherapy is 5000+years' old indigenous science,
It treats the root of the disorder without surgical intervention or
allopathic reliance

Just like today many are moving to pesticide-free foods organically grown,
Time for us to also try move from allopathic medicines with side effects to
ayurvedic treatment homegrown


February 25, 2019

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