A war is typically fought by a country or group of countries against an
opposing country,
Wars can also be fought within a country in the form of a war civil or

War is a state of armed conflict, a state of competition or hostility,
Or a sustained campaign against an undesirable situation or activity

Wars have been fought for thousands of years of human history,
And become  increasingly destructive with advancing technology

Experts claim there is rarely one single, clear cause of conflict and war
The many reasons for conflict can intertwine in a complicated culmination

Causes of war could be economic/territorial gain, nationalism/religion,
And include Civil/Revolutionary/Defensive War or revenge/retribution

There is usually an economic motive underlying most conflicts global,
Even if the stated aim of the war is presented as something more noble

Wars fought for Economic Gain include Anglo-Indian Wars (1766-1849) that
gave Britain unrestricted  access to valuable resources of Indian
And the Finnish-Soviet War or "The Winter War" (1939-1940) when Stalin
wanted to mine nickel & Soviet Union waged war on Finland when it did not

Wars for Territorial Gain are fought for more land or for use of territory
as “buffer zones” between two hostile enemies with distrust,
Proxy wars are 'buffer zone' conflicts fought indirectly between opposing
powers in a 3rd country to suit logistical, military & economic interest

Territorial wars include Mexican-American War (1846-1848) fought following
annexation of Texas, with Mexico still claiming the land as their own,
And Serbo-Bulgarian War (1885-1886) fought over a small border town, after
the river creating the border between the countries moved contention bone,
Also Arab-Israeli War or "Six Day War" (1967-1988) Israeli forces took the
territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan

Religious conflicts have deep roots that lie dormant for decades, only to
re-emerge in a flash at a later date for supposed aspersions' cast,
Religious wars can often be tied to other reasons for conflict, such as
nationalism or revenge for a perceived historical slight in the past

The Crusades (1095-1291) were a series of wars sanctioned by Latin Church
during medieval age to expel Islam & spread Christianity,
Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) was sparked when Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand
II tried to impose Roman Catholicism on
Protestant community

Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990) sparked from conflicts between Sunni Muslim,
Shiite Muslim & Christian Lebanese populations,
Yugoslav Wars (1991-1995) consisted of Croatian War &  Bosnian War and
fought between orthodox Catholic & former Yugoslavia's Muslim populations,
Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005) was ethnoreligious war caused by
Muslim central government's choice to impose sharia law on non-muslim
southern populations

Many wars are fought for nationalism translated into invasion & subjugation,
Racism & imperialism intent reflected in Hitler's attempt for supremacy &

Chichimeca War (1550-1590) fought during Spanish conquest of Aztec
civilization in modern day Mexico,
Extreme loyalty & patriotism caused many countries to become involved in
the 1914-1918 First World War scenario

Seeking to punish, redress a grievance, or simply strike back for perceived
slight can be a factor in the waging of war retaliatory,
Revenge also relates to patriotism when people wronged are motivated to
fight back with pride & nationalism spirit for their country

In World War II (1939-1945), rise of Nazi Socialist Party & Germany's
eventual domination of Europe were direct results of Treaty of Versailles
Global War on Terror prompted by September 11 attacks on World Trade Center
in 2001 began with an invasion of Iraq & is still continuing & ongoing

Civil Wars take place when there is sharp internal disagreement within a
country about who rules, how country should be run or people's rights,
Many of these internal rifts turn into chasms that result in fights between
two or more opposing groups can also spark off separatists

American Civil War (1861-1865) fought by Union army & Confederate army was
a result of long-standing controversy over slavery,
In Russian Civil War (1917-1923) post Russian Revolution, the Red Army &
White Army vied to determine Russia's political imagery

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) fought between left-leaning Republicans and
the aristocratic conservative Nationalists,
Korean War (1950-1953) fought between North Korea  & South Korea
respectively supported by China & United States

Revolutionary Wars occur when large section of population revolts against
individual or group that rules the country when dissatisfied with its
Other revolutions sparked by unpopular wars with other nations or perceived
injustices by ruling group or by those suffering extreme economic hardship

Portuguese Restoration War (1640-1668) revolution ended 60-year rule of
Portugal by Spain earlier on,
American Revolution (1775-1783) freed 13 North American colonies from
British rule & U.S.A was born

French Revolution (1789-1799) was a battle that represented rise of
bourgoise & downfall of aristocracy in France,
Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) was successful slave rebellion that
established Haiti as the first free black republic chance

Many of the maneuvers during Cold War (1947-1991) had a defensive or
preemptive flair,
Like when U.S. forces attempted to invade Cuba to prevent establishment of
nuclear warheads there

In contemporary times many countries argue they are fighting in a purely
defensive capacity against potential aggressor & so their war is a “just”
Defensive wars launched preemptively with argument that “We are attacking
them before they inevitably attack us" symbolizes many a modern aggression

Whatever be the theory of war & its causes,
The result is brutality & battered bloody corpses

Destruction, heartache, grief, desolation & futility,
Loss, unease, dread, sacrifices & martyrs' reality

Yet despite their tragic theory & history,
Battles & wars seem to be evils necessary

For when the battle is brought to the doorstep,
No alternative but to respond with deterrent next step

We are seeking progress & prosperity for our people and nation,
We have been steadily progressing towards such dispensation,

But we are facing hurdles in our way by desperate formations,
We have no option but to counter & crush their evil intentions

History & geography may have chosen our
But if they mess with us, they must beware of our powerful vapours

Oscar Wilde said one can't be too careful in the choice of our enemies,
National pride & honour demands defeating our nemesis' energies


February 28, 2019

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