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Edward de Silva writes:
>All other currencies are below UKs - how about that for a start.
>Why he is given a Knighrhood has a political undercurrent, UK is not 
>It is India that is stupid (killed Indira and got our currency from 
>? during her time to R80/- today).

One Indian rupee can buy 100 Japanese Yen, what do you have to say about 
that. Are Indians richer than the Japanese?

In Indira Gandhi's time do you have any idea of the limit that was imposed 
on the conversion of Rupees to any foreign exchange. Do you know what that 
limit is now? Do you know the reasons for this?

It is best you do some reading before posting on  matters that are not your 
are of expertise, instead of demanding that others do so.

Sunith Velho

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