
It is true that Hindus have been living peacefully in their adopted
countries. That holds good too for Indian Muslims.

But the subject was why Hindu diaspora in developed countries hate
minorities. And here we mean the minorities in their home country. I am
posting links to two articles which throw some light on the why and how.



And the hindutva groups in USA are working towards influencing their
ideology in USA universities. Please read:


The kind of reception Modi got in the USA and UK from Hindu diaspora
despite his gory track record in Gujarat and the lynching of minorities in
India tells us how communalised they have become.



*Eddie wrote:I am neither Hindu nor Muslim. By and large, the Hindu in the
West is barely visible and regarded as a timorous, superstitious, rather
servile creature especially before white people. Hindus in the US are
called a model minority because they will never challenge the white man or
his laws but stay meekly in the background or in some temple.But the same
Hindu gets tough in India because he is in the majority. He will don
saffron, rampage in mobs and terrorise minorities (esp Muslims). Otherwise,
he is happy in the company of cows or sadhus or bathing in the Ganges.
That's his culture.  *

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