In the recent conflict between India and Pakistan, we have been  inundated with 
 hyperbole and conflicting claims by both sides to the conflict.   Fake news 
and outlandish claims have been rife.  India claims to have shot down an 
American madeF-16 of the Pakistan Air force.  Pakistan did not bother to even 
comment  about the claim.  There has been none or hardlyany credence given to 
the Indian claim in the foreign press. The Americans who keep close tabs on the 
equipment they have sold to Pakistan and have placed restrictions on the use of 
those planes  have also maintained a stony silence.
Pakistan claimed to have shot down two Indian Mig21 planes, even claiming that 
one of the pilots was hospitalized.   They claim that the downed plane landed 
in the Indian controlled territory, and could not provide any proof of the 
downing. Again this was hyperbole. No further information about the  alleged 
second shooting down or the condition of the second pilot has been forthcoming. 
 Fake news ?News reports in India stated that  approximately 300 people  were 
estimated to have been killed in the bombing  of  a terrorist camp.   Two weeks 
later, no conclusive evidence has been provided, 
This being election season in India,  we can expect  a lot of fake news in 
order to sway voters allegiance, and appealing to their nationalism. With news 
now available literally at our fingertips, and the ability to manipulate 
electronic evidence,  it behoves us to read the news with a jaundiced eye, and 
wait for the dust to settle to get a clearer picture of what really happened.

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