We talk about greatness of people and how effective they are
But the means and methods used are not to be ignored
Some great people will go down in history using terror, intimidation , threats 
to keep opponents in check
We may like to call it skill, but it is downright meanness
Immediately after demise everything is painted rosy but time will alone entomb 
their legacy for posterity good people and  bad are soon forgotten if they have 
been cunning and treacherous 
All greatness assumed will buried with them or cremated sooner then expected
People in position and power wield false respect and exaggerated appreciation 
because they are in position of authority to ruin  future and rise  or 
ascendancy in society
Many in the past have been reduced to inconsequent status and live not in minds 
and hearts of people but in forgotten pages archived as history 
Walking over the misfortunes of others creating such situation to humiliate and 
decimate adversaries is but authoritarian streak of some
When not in position or power your worth and that of wonders you believed you 
created impacting life of others with arrogance are bound to cast into oblivion 
of history 
The truth will last longer than lies as curses and hatred will follow you to 
the grave
It is not what you think will make you indelible but how sincerely and 
meaningfully you have touched lives of others those of whom cannot praise or 
repay in any form
Your worth after passing away will rest on how you have been perceived by 
majority not minuscule minority who are your.cheer leaders
You will turn into your grave realising that you have deceived not only 
unsuspecting poor souls  but yourself and your conscience if you have one
Farewell friend you have been paid by the same coin you used to measure others. 
God retires some early and to others he gives extension so they suffer here 
itself and not on the next world
At times we feel invincible to be touched by human hands and power 
It is  at this time God steps in to lay you to rest and close your fanciful 
glorious innings of deceit 
Should I say more not now it is enough for you can neither harm hurt others nor 
they can too
Your memory will last shorter than creamation or burial ceremony
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Sent from my iPhone

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