Bringing the International Film Festival of India to Goa was a
visionary move, as the late Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar knew only
too well how Goa was different from the other India. As a loyal RSS
man it was not exactly a comfortable position to be in, and of course,
required a great skill in politicking.

The film festival was his baby, as Greenfield Mopa International
Airport is multi-times-over Chief Minister Pratap Singh Rane's baby.
How sad, indeed, it was to see Manohar Parrikar and his failing
health. His last days will rank as a classic film noir; no need to
make a movie of his last days, and anyway he is not the Prime Minister
of India but Chief Minister of a small state which national leaders
more often than not gleefully commented is no bigger than a district
of Maharashtra.

What set Manohar Parrikar apart from others was his vision went beyond
power and money. That he was an ideologue sometimes clouded his mind
and made him make not the best decision even though he was a graduate
of IIT and had a scientific outlook. Sadly, at times it took a

He was an honest man and a master of political maneuvers who could
make his opponents feel as if they were a cat on a red-hot tiled roof.
He knew how to make them jump much to the delight of his supporters.
He dangled the carrot skillfully on his stick, and it made no
difference if they were pure vegetarian or non-vegetarian they went
for the carrot with a greater appetite than Adam and Eve ate the
apple. He then had them under his power and could use them as a pawn
in his games of power politics. He was a master at the game.

While he was starring in the film noir version of his life as a
seriously ill Chief Minister in the public eye, and could hardly walk
or talk, the imbeciles in his Cabinet would inform the public
regularly how the Chief Minister was doing his job well, and
governance was safe and in good hands even though he was in a hospital
bed in Delhi and not so far away New York. The magic of modern

He had to manage a dozen and more portfolios from his hospital bed
which is different from a hotel bed, so what was the motivation for
their blind loyalty? Future historians will have to work on this
problem as it is too complex and requires a high level of education
and is beyond the average Joao's understanding which is indeed
limited, and so please bring in the historians.

The greed of our representatives is legendary, and I don't need to
make a case for it.  That has been the downfall of Goa and it has not
stopped nor will it stop. Add to it the complete contempt for the law,
legal procedures, and our constitution and our country is going the
way of anything but a democracy.

Can we seriously ask our young people and future generations to model
their lives on the role of a Goan politician without  a deja vu
feeling of watching a film noir during the IFFC festival?

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