Goan loyalties are imaginary, as a Goan is someone who will sell his
soul to the devil; no need to wait for the devil to approach him or
her, the Goan will approach Mr D as surely as the monsoon will arrive
in June. That much is a guarantee.

When we look at the make up of the Goa Assembly today, isn't it easy
to count the number of elected representatives who have stood (or sat)
at one time or another on one political platform, and for one party,
and today - are they at the same original political station or dock or

Is our State more shame-proof than others? Is it because we have been
under colonialism longer than other places in India? Is there another
reason - is it because we are susegad and also make better slaves than
people from other states, and which prompted India's first Prime
Minister Jawaharial Nehru to describe Goans as strange? Are we a
people who are happy to be slaves? Give me anything but not freedom
and responsibility! Is this the essence of Goemkarponn?

Zero values: we stand for nothing and a willingness to change our
political partners at the drop of a hat. Well, then, hats off to all
the street-smart Goan politicians who have waltzed from one side to
another, and then another, and then another … real genius which maybe
Einstein might envy or puke at the thought?

No friends, no enemies in politics we are told by the street-smarts
again and again. Is this the lifeblood of politics, and the
rationalization for being hollow men and women?

The BJP does not allow for political philandering for members of their
own party but are more than willing to embrace members, even as they
boasts, unconditionally! What is this? Some kind of a paradox only a
psychiatrist can untangle?

We have had a few honest MLAs, so few in fact they stand out like a
sore thumb! Mathany Saldhana who  albeit gave up his former party and
who some say mistakenly joined the BJP (the Roman Catholic Church in
Goa also tacitly backed the BJP) is one whose name comes to mind
readily, and tragically. And now among the living, we have his wife
who has a formidable reputation as an honest, well educated woman of
good character. She, indeed, does Goan womanhood  proud.

She should not accept the offer if it comes of House Speaker which I
happened to read in a local newspaper. She is often cited as a role
model for Goan women, and obviously is a much needed MLA. The role of
the Speaker has long been seen as suspect, and today is not the
hallowed office we witnessed as children.

The government has to give Alina Saldhana an important portfolio as
she had two in her first term; she won the second election on her own
merit after the death of her husband, an intelligent response from the
voters of Cortalim constituency. They should demand a portfolio of
weightage for Alina, as an individual and a woman.

The government should not waste this golden opportunity as an honest
MLA is a rare jewel, and in short supply.

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