This has reference to Gabe Menezes letter to Goanet.

IT is true that Goa Government cannot supersede the SC dictats on mining
issue. Since this matter is sub judice, the BJP government whether central
or state they cannot interfere. Our ex.CM late Manohar Parrikar has tried
his level best to help these mining dependents but could not succeed. How
this present CM Dr. Pramod Sawant could give assurances that he needs to
study. He appears playing tactics just to please them as the election is
round the corner.
Earlier just after taking over as Chief Minister's post he uttered  the
word in one of the TV channel that people should not say VIVA PORTUGAL and
warned by the word " KOBORDAR" in konkani meaning "BE CAREFUL".
 I doubt he will catch up to the expectation of Manohar Parrikar but will
be impossible since not only he is young  in age and immature in politics.
Whatever he has been saying it could be to get sympathy votes from people
of Goa and especially the mining dependents in this forthcoming election.
If he fails his governance with the allies and Independents then it will be
a disaster . Intention of these allies that all of us know is probably just
to amass its wealth on their given portfolios of their choice.


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