Addressing the overflowing audience at last week’s launch of his first-ever
compilation of English writings, Konkani literature’s beloved icon Damodar
Mauzo was characteristically self-effacing, “when any book is released in
Goa, we usually see about 60 people. Since this one is by me, perhaps 100
could be expected. So many have come today that I have told our chief guest
all the rest of you are here because of him.” But when the distinguished
historian and Gandhi biographer, Ramachandra Guha took the microphone, he
demurred, “I don’t know about anyone else, but the reason I am here is
‘Bhai’ (as Mauzo is affectionately called by everyone who knows him) and
‘Bhai’ alone.”

Mauzo stands out an unusual bridge figure in India’s spectacularly diverse
literary landscape, with his stature extending far beyond the usual
language and regional limitations. Amitav Ghosh, who recently became the
first English writer to win the Jnanpith Award, told me via email, “There
can be no doubt that Damodar is Goa's most important literary voice, as
well as its ambassador to the literary world. Not only is he a great
story-teller himself, he has close connections with many writers across
India and has helped to acquaint many of them with Goa's culture and
traditions. Being the warm, cultivated, congenial person that he is, he has
shown the world a side of Goa that is very different from the usual

In his writing career extending over nearly five decades, spanning short
stories, novels, criticism, journalism and screenplays, Mauzo has proven
impossible to pigeonhole. Here’s a man whose most memorable characters are
women, a Hindu whose works uncannily portray mostly the Catholic milieu, an
impeccably soft-spoken and surpassingly gentle human being whose life is
nonetheless imperilled by violent extremists. In July 2018, the
74-year-old’s name was found on the target list maintained by the murderers
of Bengaluru journalist Gauri Lankesh, and he was compelled to accept
24-hour security from the state, an uncomfortable stricture which continues
with no end in sight.

In his new ‘Ink of Dissent: Critical Writings on Language, Literature, and
Freedom’ (Goa 1556, Rs. 200), Mauzo frankly assesses the situation, “No one
had to tell me from where the threat originated. Though a fiction writer, I
have consistently criticized the religious orthodoxy prevailing in our
society, that tries to pseudo-rationalize mythical beliefs. I have voiced
my agony over the lynching incidents in the country in the name of
protection to cows. I am critical of the present dispensation for their
silence over the injustice meted out to the Dalits and other minorities…I
have been fighting tooth and nail the attempts by right wing outfits to
promote a national mono-culture that denies inclusiveness.”

These may be familiar liberal concerns, but Mauzo is largely unique in his
bravery in directly confronting the cult-like Sanatan Sanstha which
operates from Goa’s hinterland, and is implicated in the murders of Dr.
Narendra Dabholkar in Pune in 2013, Govind Pansare in Kolhapur and Prof. MM
Kalburgi in Dharwad in 2015, as well as Lankesh in 2017.  He writes, “the
needle of suspicion points to the Sanatan elements. This greatly upsets me
as a Goan who takes pride in the communal harmony that exists in my State.
Any attempt to disgrace Goa from any quarters, whether in the name of
Hinduism or Islam or Christianity or any other religion, needs to be
deplored and that is precisely what I have been doing.”

Speaking out in this manner has increasingly preoccupied Mauzo in recent
years. Back in 2009, he and I co-founded the Goa Arts + Literature
Festival, and since then we have watched our home state’s open-minded
pluralism under sustained assault. Amitav Ghosh says, “The reason that all
of India flocks to Goa is that it is a haven of tolerance, not just for
different religions but also for different lifestyles. In that sense
Damodar perfectly represents the spirit of the place. As a writer, and a
public personality, he has always upheld the multi-cultural, multi-lingual,
multi-religious traditions of Goa. In more ways than one can count, he
truly is both a representative of, and a spokesman for, the kind of human
flourishing that occurs when people of different backgrounds and
aspirations live harmoniously with each other. It is shocking that he
should be placed on a hit list by religious extremists. It shows that a
whole history, and a way of life, is under threat from a very narrow kind
of majoritarianism.”

These perceptive insights remind us that when he first learned of the death
threat, Mauzo boldly declared “no bullet can stop the truth.” Yet, as
Ganesh Devy points out in his outstanding Foreword to ‘Ink of Dissent’, “in
Mauzo’s case, the truth of things has a lot to do with being in a
minority…A non-Catholic born in a predominantly Catholic neighbourhood in
Majorda – his schooling was done in three languages: first Marathi and
Portuguese, and then English; neither of which was really his own. His
college education had to be done in a state that was not his own. He spent
a lifetime in an occupation – running a modest shop – which was not really
his calling…His life shows that he invariably chose to be a prophet of a
minority but a poet of moderation, a rare combination that makes him widely
loved and admired.”

Another big part of Mauzo’s singular appeal is his unyielding loyalty to
Konkani. Ramachandra Guha told me, “those who write in the language of the
state/region have greater moral authority than those who write in English.
Mahasweta Devi had far greater credibility when she spoke of tribal
suffering than when Arundhati Roy spoke of the same subject; the latter
might be quoted in the New York Times, whereas the former might even
succeed in embarrass her State Government into remedial action. Bhai’s book
reveals him to be a rooted cosmopolitan in the best sense of that term;
deeply embedded in Goa, yet alert and alive to the rest of India and the
wider world. He thus writes with great authority and insight on Konkani
literature and folk culture; and also with empathy and understanding about
places far distant like Assam. He travels widely, but also returns always
to where he belongs.”

Thegreat Konkani laureate B. B. (Bakibab) Borkar used to talk about *vegddench
munisponn*, the distinctly Goan humanism that comes along with independent
thought, and indomitable spine to fight for what is right. That strength of
character is evident throughout ‘Ink of Dissent’, where Mauzo writes “this
is not the first threat to my life. I had my first massive heart attack in
1991; I survived it. After a gap of six years the second one caught me off
guard. I had to rush to Mumbai for a bypass surgery when an angiography
detected five major blocks. I survived that too. The next threat came my
way in 2007 when cancer, the most dreaded disease, trained its guns at me.
I came through that attack. And now yet another is knocking at my door.
With security guards hovering around, like the doctors and nurses of
earlier times, I have the same feeling of hospitalization. If all goes
well, I should survive this threat as well.”

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