Indian Techies Not Employable?
An article in "India Abroad,' a weekly news magazine about everything connected 
to India, an article with the above title appeared in last issue (April 1, 
2019).  The article was a report of an IBM conference held in Mumbai in March. 
The address by IBM chief Ms. Ginni Rometty likely caught the attention of many. 
 She claimed that Indians while having their university degrees, lacked the 
skills of "working together" and "participating well in the industry."
Interestingly in the article, many Indian-CEO-engineers who were quoted also 
echoed those sentiments. Some claimed 65% to 80% of Indian engineers are not 
Form my personal experience, many Indians (including me on occasion) have poor 
communication skills.  It is not what we say but how we say it.  At times, some 
even say, "Yes I know I am abrupt, but you have to take me as I am."  My silent 
response is, "No I do not."
At my place of work, I distinctly remember an administrator claim, "We do not 
want applicants with all the degrees, we want to train them ourselves in the 
way we do things."  The need for communication skills do not apply only to 
employees, but even more important to those in management and authority. 
This would be a good topic for dialog on Goanet. What does it take to "work 
together" and how those skills can be cultivated since more importantly it can 
impact on our work and income.
Regards, GL

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