Parikar`s  memory worthy of admiration

Mr Parikar will be remembered long  for his contributions and sympathy wave
that followed his early demise , a victim of  deadly  incurable illness .He
was too young for  an early exit but in spite of best medical intervention
lost the battle. The fact that he was the first ever defense Minister from
Goa added to his popularity and attendance by  central ministers PM,
Defense etc added to his glory in death. The indebted party of BJP in Goa
did their best to give him a most fitting farewell and continues to enforce
widest publicity after death hoping to reap continued benefits. in his
memory and sympathy

Mr Parikar  in his personal life style was simple with characteristic
attire of bush shirt and chapels even at official functions, which won him
admiration. Political compulsions, ruthlessness and cunning has no morality
to sully his personality. All is fair in love and war as also in politics.
He was studious and methodical, sharp,  thoroughly did his homework  on the
subject and issues ,so his attack had lethal effect. As the leader of
opposition made his mark with distinction. Mr Clean label was his forte.
The issue of chemical deals and laptops   bruised  his image with family
connections., The silent in action on  Miramar  sex scandal was laid to
rest peacefully  in spite of  his promise to nail the culprits. The
matka eradication
remained a pipe dream to be forgotten too. He was a good administrator, who
could understand and give suggestions and directions and hence treated with

The greatest contribution is the building of BJP foothold in Goa from
scratch .With single digit presence in Assembly he secured majority
overtime due to meticulous planning and patience. No wonder he earned the
title of CHANAKYA . He did not  believe  in personal aggrandizement and
self promotion. Riding piggy back on MGP, curiously also had the same
initials MGP(P), an IIT to flaunt his credentials. There is no significant
indications to  to collaborate  success in his professional career.
Finally, he systematically decimated the remnants of MGP bastion with last
nail in coffin, albeit

planned in  his last days under plan ABC etc. MGP earlier was gobbled up
with exit of Shasikala Kakodkar and Ramakant  Kallap too rocked the boat
for personal ambitions. Hence MGP even under new nomenclature was marooned
in political harbor of isolation displaying hallo of BJP coalition,
Ambitions of  Sudin Dhawlikar  and Deepak Dhawlikar in the waiting led to
disintegration of irrelevant party. Parikar  even in the face of defeat
stitched a swift  majority making cause with his sworn enemies to keep BJP in
saddle in Goan politics. It is most unfortunate that he was never able to
complete his full term in office due to diverse reasons and compelling
circumstances BJP can only boast of presence here due to his personal
efforts and strategies. His idea of social engineering, so called had many
Catholics in his fold, which seemed strange due to his hard core RSS
Even deputy  CM was a Catholic. He kept dissent at bay in the party,
sacrificing principles to remain afloat. Parikar was no lover of Cathoilcs,
but it  wisely dawned on him that without  their support he could never
wear the crown of glory in Goa. The reintroduction of holidays on Good
Friday, St Xaviers feast, MOI issue, close relations with ecclesiastic
authorities were an appeasements  disguised as  goodwill  towards the
community.  The monetary and administrative assistance, funds for fire
destruction, exposition of relics were part of same designs .The naming of
Mathany Saldanha complex, promoting Alina Saldanaha were carefully crafted
moves of deceit . He wisely refrained from open hatred, bashing and
threaded cautiously not to antagonize the community and face backlash of
its wide all-pervading outreach. The   religious divide   is wide open
reality of alignment in politics. The other controversies of naming Shayam
Prassad stadium, stealthily calling Atal Sethu bridge are alive. The
defense expo,. Mopa airport, Rafael  aircraft deal,   affixing taxi meters
, support to Marathi academy over Konkanni  Baxha Mandal , shifting of
Environment Board from Poona to Delhi, . improved and added schemes of
social  welfare , primary school handed over to RSS affiliates,  suddenly
reduced retiring age to 58 years,  appointments on  contracts, jump in
emoluments of MlA`s ,  inverters to MLA`s worth  5 lakhs each , allowances
to Panchayat and Municipality members, withdrawing or  closing corruption
cases will keep haunting memory aflame

Parikar promotion as Goan  in defense Ministry was a reward for his
capacity and clean image and honour for Goa, which may be hard to come in
near future,.He was a promoter of Modi as a leader in BJP conclave much
to  the disappointment of reigning stalwarts of BJP. He was all knowing and
arrogant to suggestions of his colleagues and Secretaries. PWD most
lucrative Ministry was made irrelevant by formation of Infrastructure
development board. Corporation were created to satisfy the greed of his
colleagues and even resorted to Minsiters post facilities to Dr Dsouza  to
beat the restrictions .He tried and  subdued Mauwin, Narvenkar, Madkaikar ,
Antasio, Churchill, Vijay Churchill, Faleiro,  Reginaldo, Kamat, He
threatened  anyone and families who dared him with dossiers, Itax, ED,
Vigilance and other means either to bow in submission, change sides or
be   entangle  with legal cases .The streak of vengeance, retaliation
against his own party members leaves no doubt for imagination .The corrupt
dared not to challenge and afford confrontation

Dayandand Bandodkar .P S Rane ruled Goa for many years but Parikar is
conceived as a novelty, rarity with IIT degree not forgetting Arvind
Kejrival in comparison. It is that their parties did not give them the
credit they deserved, except Bandodkars statue at Assembly complex has t be
seen against his merger thus destroying Goan identity for ever. But
the  greatest contribution of Parikar is birth of BJP in Goa, who will
remain architect of edifice of BJP in Goa Parikar was date savvy and it is
a characteristic streak of his personality and administration It raised
hopes and expectations of providing reality, Later the dates were long term
not to create disappointment. Parikar as a good leader suffered fro major
flaw, He did not prepare his successor before hr departed Hanged on to post
till death without being able to stand, talk, walk, hear and even sign
Running administration from Hospital bed both in India and abroad is
unjustifiable precedent of emphasizing indispensability His adamant
arrogant attitude to give up till the last is needless of further comment
Parikar as an institution by himself has set Whether son rise will continue
the legacy time will tell BJP is attempting to cash on sympathy factor Even
when his body was lying in state the BJP was busy choosing a successor  to
fill the  void showing disrespect to a leader

Nelson Lopes Chinchini

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