Wow, Leonard. An excellent initiative, and Mander is as great as it gets

Will certainly try to be there.

Warm regards,


On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 8:12 PM Leonard Fernandes
[goawriters2] <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Like you know World Book Day is celebrated on the 23rd of April. This
> year, however, Goa is having elections that day. We are having a small
> programme the following Sunday, to celebrate the literary heritage and
> achievements of this state, and we hope you will attend. Almost every state
> in India celebrates World Book Day, and we thought we shouldn't be left
> behind.
> The programme is scheduled for Sunday, 28th April, at 9:30am, at Ravindra
> Bhavan, Margao. Noted activist, author, and Director of the Centre for
> Equity Studies, Harsh Mander will deliver the keynote address. Although I
> will attempt to send individual invitations, I do hope that all of you will
> attend, and make it a memorable morning.
> I have attached the invitation. Please do save the date and come.
> Warm Regards,
> Leonard
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Leonard J Fernandes
> CinnamonTeal Publishing <> | Publishing Next
> <>
> T: +91-98503 98530 II E:
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