From: Roland Francis 

As an outsider looking in, I see:

6. The Indian National Congress has no leadership, has no strong 
counter-influence to the BJP?s boasts and are going to be humiliated at the 
ongoing polls.

9. Thinking Indians and not just the educated and clever ones, know that Modi 
is not good for India. The Indian voter almost always does the right thing and 
votes out demagogues and crooks (Goa is a notable exception. It will vote for 
the worst person and then complain at the outcome). Will it happen again this 
GL responds:
Today's electorate is wise with education and experience of past elections. 
One does not win election by being anti-opposition.
The way to win elections is to have a vision and a believable economic plank.
Be it India or Western World -  "It is the Economy" (Bill Clinton's Slogan)
Congress is a spent force with a lot of old dead rotting wood.  
Regards, GL

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