Popular Regidor,Alberto Cotta

Regidor,Batkar, landed proprietor,

 Served   Chinchinim Village ,  as peace protector,

Executive Magistrate role, restricted to official fee,

Humility, simplicity, passion for social work.success key.

Available, approachable ,problems to solve,

A patient  listener, petty  conflicts did resolve;

Verdicts not imposed, accepted as just and fair.

Compromise or win win, he cared to share..

Gracious, compassionate and  kind

Served with a smile, with airs behind,

Never to hurt, insult or offend

Justice at all costs, strove to defend.

Local censor for objectionable, oral, written content

Protected   regime criticism, the main intent.

Integrity , credentials, trust  intact,

 A  vital link with regime, a local contact,

Authenticated, issued documents, official use,

Position, authority did never abuse,

At door step,   provided much needed  facility,

Bereft of hassles, cumbersome formality,

Devotion to duty, honesty unquestionable

To people and Regime, most acceptable,

Extended service beyond liberation ,pending reform

Until local Panchayat body took shape and form

Guarded, secured his interest with legal hand

 Amicably settled, tenants on land.

Donated land, graciously for social cause

South neither praise nor applause.

A   deeply religious person, steeped in  spiritual  faith

Often vacated seat at Church, those  coming  late.

Attended funerals of known and unknown

Condolence visits on foot at homes, concern ,love  shown,

Son-in-law in the  family ,beacon of light and guide,

’Dependents by his experience, wisdom did abide,

Relationships, service without greed

Extended his services for those in need

Education , advancement of family, avowed goal

Devoted his life, with heart and soul

 Legitimately proud of success , happiness  in life

Sheet anchor, Prof Alba, loving wife

Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim



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