1. The Congress must be chastised for one term longer and made to pay for the 
horrendous suffering to India for their limitless corruption.

2. Modi’s economic policies are disastrous. If the Congress were to win, they 
would be blamed. Now that Modi is expected to win, he will get the full 
opportunity to stew in his own juices as the economy heads further south.

3. With Modi being elected, he will try to distract from the economic mess by 
further dividing the country. If none in his party control him, the BJP will 
become irrelevant for a long time to come.

4 With the infiltration of BJP cadres at all levels of authority, there will be 
a breakdown in governance. Few countries will trust India and foreign direct 
investment will trickle to a halt, slowly choking growth.

5. Under Modi, fringe elements of the BJP and its subgroups will soon become 
mainstream hastening a banana republic outcome.

To be realistic, the Congress is currently totally incapable of governing 
India. The BJP does a better job and minus Modi, the party can even look 
slightly respectable. One can hope that saner minds will in due course throw 
out the chaiwalla.


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