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Selma, I would think the goal is *really* to make you *defensive* so
that we can safely shift the debate from current-day to 400 years
back. So why would you want that to succeed?

As far as there being an "attach on the Church" goes, i would say if
criticism is inaccurate, then we can safely ignore it. If it is true,
then we need to do something to improve the situation that is being

Motives are important too. Do you believe C.A.Bhandare and his team --
who have suddenly descended on Goanet as if on cue -- sincely wants to
improve the role of religion in our world with his selective
critiques, or does he just want to justify current-day injustices by
pointing to (real or imagined or exaggerated) injustices from
centuries ago?

I think every religion, ideology (including 'secular' ones), political
party, linguistic and ethnic group has some dark and some positive
sides to it. We can find what we want, depending on where we go
digging. Frankly, I wouldn't decide my approach based on the critique
of people trying to score points and justify dubious current-day
ideologies by pointing to the past. In my view, *every* religion (and
ideology too) needs to reform and improve itself, so that it can play
a more pro-people and positive role in our planet. -FN

[Goanet] Knights of Columbus/to FN Carvalho elisabeth_car at yahoo.comensive.

Your darn right Frederick. I am defensive. You think a
red-blooded shastikaan like me would take an attack on
the church lying down? It's not about my God is better
than yours, it's about exposing hate mongers who are
out to spread lies about other communities be it based
on caste, occupation or religion.

I'm all for reforming religion from within and
without. Infact I'm for totally banning religion
influencing public life altogether and keeping it a
strictly private affair. Public religion has caused
too much destruction in this world.

FN: Frederick Noronha
Phone 0091-832-2409490

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