From: Gabe Menezes
GL responds.
Based on proto human language studies; and more reproducibly and repeatedly 
based on genetic studies of thousands of communities across the globe using 
various genetic markers, the current scientific belief is that modern human 
beings (Homo sapience sapience or Modern Anatomical Humans) originated from a 
small community in Central-West Africa.  This is called the "Garden of Eden 
theory" and the origin occurred about 100,000 to 250,000 years ago.
The "Garden of Eden" theory contradicts the prior theory of human evolution; as 
occurring at several locations across the universe including Middle East, 
Turkey, Europe, India, China, South East Asia. 
There is a tribe in Central Africa whose mythology claims that the tribe and 
the rest of humanity started from a few women of their tribe. 
Hence my original question to Vivian was: Is he and the rabbi questioning: 
Adam and Eve story? or The Garden of Eden story? or A cheap shot against 
religion which intelligent Goans like to post from time to time.:=))
And I am still waiting to hear from some of these learned Goans: How did 
religion get so much (not all) right so many thousands of years ago. 
Regards,  GL

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