America's Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance (CD) is defined as the ability to hold contradictory 
beliefs, ideas or values.  In short, CD is "to have one's cake and eat it, 
too."  American politicians, editors and pundits of all shades of persuasions 
and on both the right and the left of the political spectrum are totally 
against foreign intervention in American elections - Naturally!  
Yet the above same individuals are comfortable and totally nonchalant about our 
interference in BREXIT - an issue that may affect the very existence of the UK, 
and its political and economic relations with the European Union (EU).  Our 
president and ambassador to UK have openly cajoled British politicians and 
threatened the UK with canceled trade deals depending on how and for whom they 
vote on BREXIT and in European parliamentary elections.  This week, with our 
president visiting Europe, we see an acute exacerbation of our CD.
The Europeans are confused and bemused by the hue-and-cry of Americans when we 
protest "foreign interference" in our elections, while we flagrantly (overtly 
and covertly) intervene in their elections, including election in the Ukraine 
and perhaps even in Russia.  Our State Department, academic and foreign policy 
think-tanks, and prominent politicians issue "protest notes and threats" with a 
wink-and-a-nod, more as a sop for domestic consumption and to satisfy their 
voting base.  Presidential candidate Trump said it best and pointedly on 
several issues, "And we do the same."

Regards, GL

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