Roland, you may not be aware of the recent (Jun 2019) damning Report 
accusing Canada's Anglo government of race-based GENOCIDE against Indigenous 
Women & Girls.
Wherever there are ANGLOS (UK, US, Canada, Australia, NZ), they strenuously 
keep alive their White Supremacy and maintain racist policies against any 
non-Whites, including the very Natives whose land and resources they have 

The report is the result of an extensive inquiry commissioned by the 
Canadian government itself in 2016. With over 1,200 pages, it paints a grim 
picture of systemic mistreatment of ingenious women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA 
(which stands for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, 
questioning, intersex and asexual) people. These groups of the indigenous 
population have been singled out as the most vulnerable ones.

The report says:
"The genocide has been empowered by colonial structures evidenced notably by 
the Indian Act (a controversial 1876 law regulating indigenous people's 
reserves in Canada), the Sixties Scoop (a 40-year-old policy of taking 
indigenous or mixed-race children from parents to be adopted by white 
families, discontinued in the late 1980s), residential schools, and breaches 
of human and Inuit, Metis and First Nations rights, leading directly to the 
current increased rates of violence, death, and suicide in Indigenous 
population" .

Read more

Curiously, PM Trudeau goes on to blame the Catholic Church for abusing 
indigenous children & asks the Pope to apologise.


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