Aghô Milagrin, Londokarancheo dhiriô chollotai mugo.
[Milagrin, Bull Fights in London.]
Courtesy the blog ZorotMorotGoesMyVillage

Sonia Gomes

'Mother, Motheeeeer, where are you?' screams Rosalyne full of
excitement and delight.  Words tumble from her young,
tremulous mouth.

'Yes, Rosalyne,' replies her Mother very sedately as befits a
person, who has lived in England amongst people known for
their impeccable deportment.

'Rosalyne dear, must you shout, I am not deaf, you know!' she
smiles to take the sting off her anger.

'You know Mother,' continues Rosalyne in a more refined
voice.  'There is a girl in our class and she is from Goa, I
told her that we too are from Goa.'

'But Rosalyne dear, we are not from Goa, ummm, we are from

'What???' screams Rosalyne forgetting her cultured voice.
'But Grandpa and Grandma are from Goa.'

'Of course they are Rosalyne,' replies genteel Frieda...

And the argument goes on...

A couple of days later, Rosalyne enters with an ear splitting
yell, a spring in her leap, a wide grin to the utter
displeasure of genteel Frieda.  Rosalyne, she thinks, will
never be a calm, sensible English girl.  Frieda hopes and
prays that Rosalyne would be much like Darrell Rivers from
Mallory Towers.  Sigh.  'Mother, Mother!' Frieda winces...

'Mother, Mother! Benita has invited me to her house...'

Frieda thinks with a sigh, Oh no, oh no.

'Mother, Benita wants me to come to her house for Saibin.
Mother it's so beautiful, Saibin...'

'What's Saibin dear?'

'Oh Mother, didn't you know? The Blessed Virgin Mary...'

'Oh, no, oh no, that old fashioned drivel from the country,'
thinks Frieda

            'You know Mother, the Saibin will go from
            Mellissa's house to Benita's House.  Whilst
            taking the Saibin from one house to another, we
            will light candles and sing hymns all the way.'

'Oooooh Mother, isn't that the neatest thing you ever saw?'

'May I go, please Mother, please,' Frieda looks at her
daughter, eyes glowing, cheeks rosy from the excitement and
the cold.

'But Rosalyne dear, I thought you were going to Maeve's house
for a sleepover.'

'I told Maeve I wouldn't be coming; that I would be going to
Benita's,' replies Rosalyne carelessly.  I can go to Maeve's
anytime...But Saibin!'

'Mother, do you realize that this is the first girl from Goa
who has invited me for anything?'

And thank God for that, thinks Frieda, that European Union
(EU) rabble.

In comes Joe. 'Let her go Frieda, let her go, it will do her
good to be around her own people.'

'Her own people!' echoes Frieda, 'you call that mass of
people from EU our own people?'

'Of course I do, Frieda.  I have had a drink or two with some
of the guys from my own village and they are perfectly fun
guys.  Just doing their bit...Just trying to earn a living
much like us.'

          'Joe, you actually mingle with the EU crowd,
          socializing with that horde, what could you
          possibly have in common with those uneducated

'Oh, Frieda, Frieda, my dear!  You forget how 'educated' I
was when I came here from Kenya.  As to what binds us, our
village sweet pea....'

Joe hums, 'Amchea sezareak assa pisso, umm, umm....'

          Mia Couto the Mozambican author, talks about the
          asimilados, the colonized, who leaving behind their
          own culture and traditions immerse themselves into
          the culture and traditions of the colonizer.
          Coconuts, he calls them, very white on the inside
          but sadly brown on the outside.  'Why did they do
          it'?  Well the answer is obvious, to blend, to
          mingle and to feel one with the colonizer.

In Kenya, the highlight of my father's career was when Mr.
Bryson his boss, visited our home, picked me up and I, as any
little child will do, tried to prise off his pipe.  And Mr
Bryson had said, 'Not that my girl, not that.'

My mother going to weddings in Goa, in the sweltering heat of
May in nylon stockings and some ridiculous hat stuck firmly
to her head with bobby pins.

Emulate the colonizer.

          The migrants, who went to Africa in search of jobs,
          were all types, educated, uneducated, tailors,
          musicians, cooks, all working hard to earn a decent
          wage.  Everyone bent on getting a good deal, every
          parent yearning to give his child a good education,
          these were sent back to India or Goa for better

But at no point did these Goans think they should be Goans in
every sense of the word, showcase their own 'Goanness, their

Konkani, what's that?  Their children did not speak the
language; they spoke English of course, and Swahili, what
better way to show off their Africander origins than to speak
Swahili amongst themselves, when on a holiday in Goa?  Goan
feasts?  Those noisy, vigorous Feast of St Francis or San
João?  Litany?  Too boisterous.  Too un-English.

Fact is they had moved from one colony to another, in Goa
they had already learnt the tricks, they were all well
trained.  The transition was almost painless.

Western clothes, at all times.  A sari?  That was for the
Patels, or maybe at some Club Function as Fancy Dress.
Drinks at appropriate times, oh come now, you know brandy is
an after dinner aperitif and a good liqueur can be a dessert
too.  Cutlery on the table, in the order of use, starting
from the outside and working inwards with each course.  Forks
to the left, no knife in the mouth not even a hint of it.  Of
course one lapsed, Goan food in the quietness of one's own
house on a blissful Sunday.  Colonisers be damned, a fiery
ambot-tik cannot be denied and the hateful cutlery can be put
aside for a finger licking prawn curry with okhra.

Imitate the Colonizer sweet pea, however hard it goes against
your grain and they did succeed brilliantly.

The Coloniser loved this genteel breed of people imports from
another European Colony.  They were perfect, ate, drank, and
dressed like any white man.  They were hardworking, honest
and most of all amenable to any white man's rules.

These poor wretches even fought a War for them with no
recognition from the British Government.

Of course nobody forgot they were Brown.

Let them work for us but mix with us?  Segregation would take
care of that.

They would have their own Clubs, but mark my words; the Club
would most surely have white man's rules and regulations.

Isn't that awesome?  They follow us like poodles.

Now this well trained, amenable group of people moved to
England soon after the African nations had got their

Once again they worked extremely hard at their jobs, educated
their children beautifully, besides times were different,
there were mixed friends, mixed marriages.  No segregation.
Times were lovely.  The Africanders had arrived.  Nobody
thought of our Africanders as anything but English.

But sometimes when everything is fine, when life is divine,
some maleficent sprite decides to stir things up, which
unfortunately happened to our Africanders now safely and
surely ensconced in England.

In the case of our Africanders, it was this wave upon wave of
crass European Union Goans.

          God dammit, these EU Goans, had scrounged and
          scrimped, they had fought with the Registrar of
          Births and Deaths; they had stood in mile long
          queues for the birth, marriage and death
          certificates of their forefathers, unheard of long
          dead relatives.

They had spent vast amounts of very hard earned money on
Agents just to get that precious, precious Portuguese

A brief Adeus to their beloved family, they moved to England!

At first it wasn't so bad; the Africanders just about
tolerated them.  But hey, this was an unstoppable mob, a
landslide of EU Goans, willing to take up any jobs.  When
would it all end?  But it didn't, it got worse.  Much like
the mythological hydra.  What really irked our genteel
Africanders was their 'lack of manners'.  They were
unpolished, not unpolished diamonds with promise, just gross,
they spoke Konkani everywhere, and English was definitely not
their forte.  Give a tiny occasion, and they celebrated.
Saibin, Litanies and all those Iberian Saints were feasted
with good food and copious drinks.

How could they spend so many British Pounds earned with such
effort, getting those dreadful Teatrs all the way from Goa?
Africanders would not be caught dead going for one of those.
They were in Konkani, good heavens.

They are 'thieves' the Africanders agreed, they drag their
mothers, fathers from their houses in Goa for Social

Our Africanders had dignity; they would never stoop this low
and drag their aged, broken-down parents for Social Security.

And what was that about the dog meat scam.  Just a ghastly
horde of people.

But the worst and the most awful and appalling part of this
invasion was that the British could not distinguish between
the Africanders and the new wave of EU Goans.

How could this have happened?  Now the whites thought that
they were all from India, everyone was an Indian.

All those years and years of working at becoming a local,
washed away in a wave of EU Goans.  Indistinguishable.

So the Africanders seek refuge from the masses, they ignore them at all
possible occasions. Does it help?
The EU Goans are impervious; they care a damn for these
'pretend' English people. They love Konkani and speak the language. Tiatrs
show every Goan politician in true light, warts and all.
Goans they are and they will flaunt their Goaness in every possible manner.
Saibin, Litanies and of course the Feasts of all those Iberian Saints.

Who wouldn't love their fish-curry and you mean you need a
mass of cutlery to eat that delicious sorpotel.  Isn't that
utterly ridiculous?

Strangely the happiest person is Father Patrick St.  John
Webb, his Church of Our Lady and Saint Christopher has never
been so full on Sundays.

On Easter and Christmas people spill out even if it is
immensely cold.  They are generous, these EU Goans.

Father St.  John Webb marvels at their generosity, they are
so happy to be in Church.

Father St.  John Webb has just to say the word and there are
dozens of EU Goans eager to help him out.

Jesus, Thank you for the EU Goans, their love for the Church,
their enthusiasm for anything Church.

Truly, Father Patrick St.  John Webb is an extremely happy

ByJove, or it by Jeeves, I am antiquated.  Time to get my
very own Portuguese Passport.

In fact I am in a very long queue for my
Grandfather's Teor.
Never fear I come well prepared, a couple of sandwiches, a
flask of coffee and a little foldable mat.

See you in London...

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