From: Office Of Rajdeep Sardesai <>
Sent: 19 July 2019 12:49
Subject: Goa, Gone with the Wind by Rajdeep Sardesai

We Goans are often unfairly lampooned as happy go lucky, alcohol swigging, 
siesta loving, beach bums.  My late father remains the only Goa born Goan 
cricketer to play for India, enough reason I guess for me to qualify as an 
?honorary? Goan. If you still believe that 'we' Goans are carefree and relaxed 
in our idyllic 'susegado' derived from the Portuguese word 'sossegado') 
lifestyle, then you just have to meet our politicians: the contrast between the 
natural beauty of Goa and the coarse ugliness of its politics could not be more 
stark. read more.....-----------
GL responds:
For a minuet I thought you were drawing a contrast between the sussegad people 
of Goa and the swift-hyperactive politicians of Goa that are skilled at 
twirling on a dime (literary and figuratively).
I have to give credit to Goa's young Chief Minister who is a novice at his 
post.  But as a Goan he may have it in his genes.  The CM is doing a great job 
of orchestrating the 35 odd chameleons; out-smarting the old Congresswallas who 
invented the dance - used to be called "Doing the Charan Singh."  Frankly the 
new CM displays a smoother choreographed performance than his mentor the late 
Regards, GL

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