For decades the Kashmiris had to deal with the radicals and their
regressive ideology. Now they have an equally bad alternative: they will be
subjected to Indian 'deolopment.'

Every single idyll in India has been crapped on by Indians post-1947. You
will be hard pressed to name ONE space in the whole of India that has been
made better.

Those Goans cheering this Article 370 abrogation obviously have no self
awareness. Look what India did to our land post-1961. The pigs from Delhi
took over and settled in our villages, and we got overrun by ghatis. Now
they will deal the same kind of 'deolopment' to Kashmir. The first order of
business of these predators will be to gobble up Kashmiri land. Pouring of
'ximitt' will follow. Hotels, villas, crowding out with Indian hordes, paan
spit and sh•t - development, Indian style!

The only way this can be good news for Goa is if the Delhi pigs currently
squatting in our villages pack up and leave for Kashmir. But fat chance
that's ever going to happen.


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