Since you have apropos-ly enlightened the Goan community that St. Augustine
was an African (born in Thagaste, North Africa – present day Algeria), it
adequately explains why the white saints in Goa did not come to the rescue
of the Church and Convent of St. Augustine. Now with our beloved St. Jose
Vaz in the mix, there is hope for among him and others whose ethnic
identities still remain highly classified.

Dom Martin

[Goanet] St Joseph Vaz and the Basilica

Adolfo Mascarenhas
12 Aug 2019 09:37:39 -0700

Your message 3 on Sunday 11 August 2019As an Africander I have pro
sentiments but we must get our facts straight….Even those nourished by
the crystal clear waters of Kilimanjaro are humanand make errors.   I
refer to your statement *that  the Tower of St.Augustine?       Such
gesture would be the first time that a brown saintcomes to the aid of
white saints.*
I would like to re mind Goans of good spirit who consume Feni that
St.Augustine, that great thinker was an African, so was his mother St
That crumbling edifice St Augustine was not built by the Portuguese
whitesalone  ….do they build with basaltic blocks in Europe ….Local
labour andmasons were used in hundreds.
For me St Augustine’s was a source  of inspiration from the age of 11
whenI was nearly shot by an African soldier in the service of the
thePortugese. The timely intervention of my father  and the Portuguese
whiteofficer who was less trigger prone saved me from being a
I am definitely Pro St Vaz, Pro Basilica......there are great
sentimentsscattered throughout your intervention
Adolfo inDar es Salaam


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