GL wrote:To me a basilica (or call it what one may) in the midst of the saint's 
devotees is a natural extension of becoming a saint; and a physical way for the 
saint to be brought closer to his native people for whose benefit the saint is 
canonized. For diaspora Goans it is another connecting point for future 
generations from across the world.Mervyn know the bible better than me.  There 
are several references to "More is expected from them to whom more is given."  
Cynical replies and explanations or flattery of the saints and oneself at the 
Pearly Gate or at the moment of crises is a poor substitute for lack of past 

GL,Call me crazy but this life is not a competition to get into the next. I 
want everyone to succeed in this life.
A few years ago, I was at a Goan function and went up to someone much younger 
than me and congratulated her on her speech to raise funds for the most 
vulnerable in society. Her reply floored me. She blurted out that she had 
watched me years earlier and decided that she would do something of her own to 
help the vulnerable, when she got her first paycheck. 

Her reply was my reward - I felt like I was passing thru the pearly gates. 

On the other hand, hobnobbing with the venerable is for believers. Asking 
favours from them and leaving a monetary incentive/thanks is something I have 
not understood (yet). 


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