My dear Frederick, thank you very much.

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:23 PM <> wrote:

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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
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> Today's Topics:
>    2. How are you? (Joao Barros-Pereira)
>    3. Sr Marie Dolores leaves her footprints (Nelson Lopes)
>    4. Milagrin udok nam mugo!! Borem zalem, tuem tugelli baim
>       puroilea num? (Sonia Gomes)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 06:49:06 +0530
> From: Aires Rodrigues <>
> To: goanet <>
> Message-ID:
>         <CAHriWMhbTf8YarAH0qE=
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> In May this year during the by-election campaign to the Panaji Assembly
> Constituency Babush Monseratte had solemnly assured the voters of Panaji
> that he would ensure that all the Casinos in the River Mandovi are removed
> within 100 days of he being elected.
> On asked how he planned to remove the Casinos, Babush Monserratte had said
> that he had a plan in place and would get them removed whether he was in
> the ruling or Opposition.
> Having taken oath as Panaji MLA on May 28th Babush Monseratte has to ensure
> that the Casinos are driven away from the River Mandovi by this ensuing
> Ganesh Chaturthi more so because he is now part of the ruling BJP.
> On 18th April this year while joining the Congress Babush Monseratte had
> said that it was a homecoming for him. ?After roaming everywhere I have
> decided it?s time for homecoming. You can call it that. I have listened to
> the voice of the people? is what he had stated.
> In less than three months after embracing the BJP for vested interests
> Babush Monseratte said ?I felt at home after joining the BJP?
> With the Casino lobby virtually setting the agenda and running the Goa
> Government, Babush Monseratte has now no choice but to feel at? home? with
> the Casinos in the River Mandovi. All said and done Babush Monseratte, a
> chronic party hopper has taken the people of Panaji on a jolly good ride
> and can never be trusted again.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar ? Goa ? 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>                          Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 13:37:54 +0900
> From: Joao Barros-Pereira <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] How are you?
> Message-ID:
>         <CAHg__J6nU+appN=_
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I recall how my health was so bad a year ago and I got pneumonia
> probably from inhaling formalin at the wholesale fish market. Not easy
> to forget, this.
> Anyway, Iva Fernandes broke the rules when she spoke to the media
> about the presence of formalin in fish. Some say the rules were not
> broken, and there is a major difference of opinion on this issue.
> But should she be penalised?
> She has probably saved the lives of thousands of people in Goa from
> declining health. Is this the way the government wants to thank her?
> By the way, where is the promised hi-tech testing lab for checking the
> formalin in fish?
> Minister Viswajit Rane has broken his word, and not walked his big talk.
> Only penalties for government employees? Are MLAs above the law? No
> penalty, no fine, no nothing for unfullfilled empty promises even if
> it is harmful to the health of people who live in Goa?
> Isn?t the health of the public important? Is the government
> inadvertently saying to the public, You are free to stop eating fish
> if you don?t trust us!
> Iva has been hounded and made to look like a pariah among government
> employees - more than enough humiliation than is necessary for an act
> of  kindness.
> Maybe fish lovers could declare her - Goan of the Year - and she will
> appear on the cover of Goa Today.
> Is it right to penalise her for caring about the health of the people
> who live in Goa? Was hers an evil act? Is she the patron saint of the
> fish mafia?
> When I was in a hospital in Goa and the doctor would come to see me on
> his daily rounds, he would ask, ?How are you, today?? ?I?m fine, thank
> you,? I would answer, and add, ?And you??
> Who knows? The doctor might have eaten fish laced in formalin, and his
> health might be in danger as a result. I did show my concern by
> enquiring after his health.
> Did the doctor have any idea of the thoughts running through my brain
> at the time?
> Can the Goa government reply - with the state of governance the way it
> is - with a ?I?m fine, thank you.?
> No, it is not an appropriate answer. A more suitable reply is, ?I?m
> fined, thank you.?
> The latest goof up (not disaster, please note) for the government is
> the delay in handing in a report on private forests.
> The bill for the government?s delay is a fine of only Rs one crore,
> and Rs 10,000 for each day?s delay.
> Apparently, the government has to answer to a rather serious lapse of duty.
> I recall in my primary school days how my teacher would reprimand me,
> and punish me because I did not do my homework.
> She did not give me a biscuit, and it has had a profound psychological
> impact on my mental behaviour.
> My obsession with desserts started and I was always paranoid someone
> will run away with my  dessert.
> The government?s answer ?I?m fined, thank you? more than meets the eye.
> The ?thank you? is addressed to the docile tax payer who will meekly
> foot the bill or worse - pay through his nose.
> Don?t complain, as Goans voted for this government, right?
> No, not really.
> People who live in Goa remember only too well how Godfather U-Turn
> Minister Vijay Sardesai stunned everyone when he did a political
> pirouette. He  joined the BJP government after he had been criticising
> it non-stop for more than a year.
> Now he is not allowed into the Kala Akademi for security reasons. Is
> there a danger the roof  might fall on his head? He along with five
> others are now living in a kind of limbo.
> The good doctor Chief Minister Sawant wants them kept in quarantine -
> they are not allowed to leave nor are they asked to stay.
> Good ayurvedic medicine for their souls by a skillful doctor?
> I wonder if the good and skillful doctor on his daily rounds asks them
> the all-important question: How are you today?
> And, how do they reply?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 11:40:19 +0530
> From: Nelson Lopes <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Sr Marie Dolores leaves her footprints
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8
> Sr.Marie Dolores de Souza (Doris)  F.S.M.A (Franciscans of St. Mary of the
> Angels)
>  A dedicated Educationist and unassuming,  compassionate ,committed social
> worker
> She was born to Mr. Juze Clarence & Mrs. Isabella De Souza on 27-3-1931,
> at Sauntavado, Calngute, Bardez .She was the last of the siblings in the
> family.  She entered the  novitiate in 1951,pronounced first vows on
> 17-6-1953 and final vows on 17-6-1958. She was posted to Ajmer in charge of
> boarders and endeared to them affectionately .In the year 1966, she was the
> founder, pioneer,at St Mary of the Angels Convent School,Chinchinim along
> with Sr. Etienne and Sr. Getrude
> In 1974, after 8 years of relentless groundwork at Chinchinim, she was
> deputed to establish and  to cater to the Education needs of then, remote
> Village of Sarzora, as its first Headmistress ,which presently is a
> flourishing , co education high School. She was specially chosen to head
> Clergy Home at Margao, serving for 36 Years (1979-2018). At her request in
> June, 2015 transferred to Clergy Home at Halga, Karwar, but preferred to be
> at Chinchinim from 2016 onwards. Her joyous occasion of Silver Jubilee
> celebrated at Mhow in 1968 and Golden Jubilee thereafter. In 2017 suffered
> cardiac arrest and was fitted with pace maker , thus  her health took a
> turn restricting her activities. On July 23, 2019  she was hospitalized for
> minor ailment and then to Hospital at Indore on 4-8-2019 for more
> specialized care and treatment. She breathed her last, peacefully at 7 a.m
> on 13-8-2019 at Indore.
> The start at Sarzora without  proper accommodation was a challenge. she
> surmounted with dedication and commitment with a focus to achieve her goals
> ,with scarce financial resources. She enjoyed overwhelming support and
> co-operation of the residents and others. Sr. Dolores was a friendly,
> loving, affectionate and unassuming person. A charming personality with
> contagious smile, won friends and admirers and integrated  herself easily
> with the  locals .Her social service and education are her specific
> identities. She was popularly named as the ? CYCLE NUN?
>   which helped her to fulfill her mission of hygiene , sanitation, health,
> girl education at Baida Chinchinim, a village ,socially and economically
> disadvantaged. Her long service to elderly priest for 36years with
> patience,  compassion, smile , love was praise worthy and exemplary. She
> maintained close and cordial relations with her immediate family and
> inspired her nieces Sr.Yvonne and Sr Judith  who followed her footsteps in
> joining the congregation,
> To fulfill her last wish to be interned at Chinchinim, Mother Superior
> ,Sr. Cyrilla, ,Provincial Sr. Mercy along with Sr. Vandana and Sr. Sandra
> undertook the tortuous, back breaking journey in  an extremely bad weather
> and flooded road conditions throughout the route
> The delayed funeral services  on 14 August were  planned and held from
> 5.30p.m to 6.45 pm. at the outdoor stadium of St Mary`s Convent with  a
> thousand  mourners of grateful parents,  nuns, staff members, students,
> family members and prominent locals of Sarzora and Chinchinim and
> surrounding Villages, in spite of a continuous and  heavy downpour .Rev Dr
> Filipe Nery Ferrao, Archbishop concelebrated the Eucharist with more than
> 25 priests in attendance with the appropriate back drop ?LORD, YOU ARE My
> LIFE, MY EVERYTHING? .Bishop recounted and emphasized  her selfless,
> dedicated , compassionate services of love, joy, and with a smile and
> honest concern  for 36 years. As a mark of special  gratitude and rare
> gesture Archbishop personally preached the homily, conducted  the funeral
> rites, including burrial ceremony at late hours .The nuns  paid glowing
> tributes to her memory, services and admirable  personality traits .Sr.
> Flavia recited a special poem in her honour
> Nelson Lopes
> Chairman. P.C Trust.
> Tribute to  Sr.Dolores by Mr. Nelson Lopes  ?The Goan dated 14-8-2019
> Sent from my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 19:20:06 +0530
> From: Sonia Gomes <>
> To:,, navin jha
>         <>, Avertino Miranda <>,
>,  Vithaldas Hegde <>,
> Subject: [Goanet] Milagrin udok nam mugo!! Borem zalem, tuem tugelli
>         baim puroilea num?
> Message-ID:
>         <CAG_LhYMXrzLF_T4NK2RPTmCUMRFL4x-_0p8pyjS9rX=
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> <
> >
> Who would have known that despite the deluge of the Monsoon, parts of Goa
> would not have Water for more than a week?
> Of course, it is the dratted Government...
> But think hard and lucidly, what did you do to the precious wells you had?
> Why did you not protect it as much as the decrepit Cadeira Voltaire made of
> rosewood that your long dead Av? used to sit on after he had his Kanji?
> Was the rickety chair that you so lovingly restored at much cost more
> important than the precious well your loving Av? dug also at enormous cost
> and looked after till you came along to destroy it?
> Why are you importing Festivals that have no meaning to your village? Isn?t
> this false gaiety and bonhomie not grating on your nerves, it is jarring to
> me when I open the newspaper and see this horde of ridiculously togged
> people with ?flowers in their hair? looking like something the waves just
> washed on our coast?
> For my take@
> End of Goanet Digest, Vol 14, Issue 496
> ***************************************

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