With due respect to the pig ( God's creation ) and specially the sorpatel
and sausages, I jot down a story told by our ancestors. Many of the Church
goers also must have heard it mentioned in the homilies.

The subjects of a kingdom were all happy under their king. The king used to
go through his kingdom to meet and take care of  the issues his subject
they put foward. While on one such trip the king saw a pig enjoying the
mire. The king was unhappy with the condition of the pig. He ordered to
have the pig brought to his palace. The pig was bathed, cleaned  and
robed.  The pig was coping with his new settings.   He missed the pleasure
of being in the filthy environment.

Traveling with the king on one of his journey through the kingdom, the pig
happened to see the mire from where he was picked.  With joy, the pig ran
and jumped back into the mire.  For the pig his filthy surrounding was a
source of  pleasure. The king on seeing this thought it better to leave the
pig in the environment he enjoys.

All are invited but a few are CHOSEN !

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