Adv Aires Rodrigues has persuasively argued why Judges should not arbitrarily recuse (excuse) from hearing cases. It is only fair that judges give justifiable reasons for their recusal. But they seem to regard the common people with contempt.
And the BJP system in Goa couldn't care less.
Do concepts like 'Transparency and Purity' mean anything to the BJP babus, to the two top Gujus or for that matter to Hindustan itself?

Aires is trying hard to instil some decency in Goa governance but who is backing him?
Keep up the struggle, Aires.


-----Original Message----- From: Aires Rodrigues
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 1:05 AM
To: goanet

With the recusal by Judges from hearing matters even in the Supreme Court
without assigning any reasons, it has rightly raised many an eyebrows.  The
Judges in question may have compelling reasons to recuse, but it would be
prudent to leave no room for misconception, if the judges do state and
record their reason for the recusal. Judges generally recuse from hearing a
case when they feel that there is a conflict of interest involved or if the
Judge has at some time appeared for any of the litigating parties.

In the interest of Transparency and Purity in the Justice delivery system
which is currently enduring very turbulent times, maybe it is time for all
Judges to give their specific reason as to why they are compelled to recuse
from hearing the case. Judges should take this initiative in the interest
of Justice and to be above any doubts.

The Judiciary which is the common man’s last hope for Justice should never
ever be under any clout as Justice needs not only to be done but more
importantly must be seen to be delivered.

Aires Rodrigues  Advocate High Court

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